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How to switch back to classic facebook on android phone

how to switch back to classic facebook on android phone

And in this article, we'll show you how. How to Go Back to the Old Facebook Layout Until September, Facebook gave you a choice in the Settings menu whether you wanted to use see more classic layout or the modern look. However, this is no longer an optioneveryone is on the latest look, with no built-in option to change. Thankfully, clever third-party developers have come to the rescue. Matt Krause, the developer behind the excellent Social Fixer extension, created a new browser extension called Old Layout. This lets you keep using Facebook's old look with a simple trick. The extension doesn't perform any heavy programming changes.

How to Go Back to the Old Facebook Layout

Instead, it simply fools Facebook into thinking that you're using an old browser that doesn't work with the new layout. Facebook then reverts back to the classic design, which you can enjoy without configuring anything. Simply install Old Layout for your browser, then visit Facebook, and you'll see the familiar interface. If you have Facebook open when you install it, you'll need to reload the page for the change to take effect. Click the extension's icon in your browser's menu bar to switch between the old and new layouts without disabling the extension. While there's no extension for Safari, you can use a workaround detailed on the site to get the same effect. Tap on Dark Mode.

How to Switch back to Classic Facebook from New Facebook

Tap the bubble next to On. This means that you will have to enable Dark Mode on Facebook Lite, and Messenger Lite will also switch to the darker setting. Tap the toggle switch to enable dark mode. Although it is a fantastic feature, you may have more questions. Keep reading for the answers to the most frequently asked questions. This was, at one time, the most popular question we received.

Facebook slowly rolled out Dark Mode to select users and only on select devices. Today, it should be available to everyone with the aforementioned devices. But, if you do not see the Dark Mode option, we need to dig a little deeper. This is important because it was a new update that presented Dark Mode to us.

You’re Temporarily Blocked

When Dark Mode was first released, it was only available on the New Facebook. This new update gives users a tidy newsfeed with an expanded navigation bar, a new dark mode, and a redesigned top menu. Initially, Facebook has an option to switch back to the old Facebook layout for 48 hours but after September they removed the option permanently.

how to switch back to classic facebook on android phone

So, all those classic Facebook fans out there, this article is for you. Stay with me till the end and you will learn some amazing tricks to revert to old Facebook. While this design change which is the biggest one in the decade completely changes the UI of Facebook, users were accustomed to the old design and they knew what lies wherein the old design. Personally, in classic Facebook layout, we like That blue navigation bar on top.

The old blue theme of Facebook, which was there from the very beginning.

How Are the Facebook Layouts Different?

The old design was a vibrant and dynamic place with screens filled with different types of things. Why Change to Facebook Classic Mode? You own a Facebook page and are unable to manage it in the new design. You are unable to find options or manage your Facebook profile. The new design takes a lot of space and so we need to scroll more. For plenty of reasons, people looking to revert to old Facebook.

However, as of now, there is no option to switch back to old Facebook unless you have a Facebook page.

how to switch back to classic facebook on android phone

But in our research, we found a few cool tricks to get old Facebook back. How to switch back to classic facebook on android phone

How to switch back to classic facebook on android phone Video

How visit web page switch back to classic facebook on android phone - all charm!

Share Tweet Email Hate the new Facebook design?

Here's a simple way to get the old layout back in minutes. If you spend a lot of time on a certain social media site, it's jarring to deal with a change in layout. This happens every so often with Facebook, leaving many users upset every time. In SeptemberFacebook made its latest redesign mandatory, meaning you can't switch back to the classic layout any more. At least not officially. However, using a workaround, it's still possible to go back to the old Facebook. And in this article, we'll show you how.

how to switch back to classic facebook on android phone

click How to Go Back to the Old Facebook Layout Until September, Facebook gave you a choice in the Settings menu whether you wanted to use the classic layout or the modern look. Simply install Old Layout for your browser, then visit Facebook, and you'll see the familiar interface. You may see a notice at the top of Facebook that you're using an old browser. This happens every so often with Facebook, leaving many users upset every time.

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