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Is it easier to learn french if you know spanish

is it easier to learn french if you know spanish is it easier to learn french if you know spanish

One Opinion: Spanish Is Easier Spanish is a phonetic language, meaning that the rules of orthography are very close to the rules of pronunciation. Each Spanish vowel has a single pronunciation. Although consonants may have two or more, there are very specific rules regarding their usage, depending on where the letter is in the word and what see more are around it. There are some trick letters, like the silent "H" and the identically-pronounced "B" and "V", but all in all Spanish pronunciation and spelling are pretty straightforward. There are precise rules for the accentuation of Spanish words and accents to let you know when those rules are overridden.

is it easier to learn french if you know spanish

In French, accentuation goes by the sentence rather than the word. Once you've memorized the Spanish rules of pronunciation and accentuation, you can pronounce brand-new words with no hesitation. This is rarely the case in French, or English, for that matter.


Spanish compound verbs are much simpler. If you know German, Spanish and English, pretty much every Romance and Germanic language becomes transparent. You could probably pick up Dutch over a summer or Italian in a handful of weeks. Even in the most metropolitan cities, people will source that you know their language—and that opens doors every time. Tip: One of the best free resources for starting out as a German learner is Deutsche Welle. You can even explore some of their content through Spanish!

is it easier to learn french if you know spanish

is it easier to learn french if you know spanish Arabic Okay, so none of the varieties of Arabic are related to either English or Spanish. Arabic is going to be a challenge. But if you know Spanish, you have a just click for source tricks up your sleeve.

Thanks to around years of Moorish influence in, the Spanish and Arabic languages actually share a deep pool of vocabulary. The benefits of learning Arabic are manifold. Tip: Spanish speakers, when it comes time to learn the beautiful Arabic script, you can actually start with texts in aljamiado —a way of writing Spanish using Arabic letters. Indonesian Indonesian and its closely related cousin Malay is the first or second language of millions in Southeast Asiaand thanks to a huge diaspora, people speak Indonesian all over the world, from Australia to the Netherlands.

And have you ever dreamed of the white sands of Bali? Knowing some Indonesian will help you thrill the locals and make your trip an unforgettable experience. And the grammar and pronunciation are extremely simple from a European language perspective. No tenses, no cases—just some interesting verb features. All the time honing your Spanish accent will pay off here: Virtually all the sounds of Indonesian happen to be found in either English or Spanish! Tip: The biggest hurdle is definitely remembering all the unfamiliar vocabulary. The best way to handle that is to take things slow when you start out and do a ton of review to really make those new words second nature. No prizes for guessing the meanings of ekonomi or multikulturalisme. Russian Now, Russian is a challenge for any language learner.

And yet, although Vladivostok and Madrid are practically on opposite sides of the globe, there are several features of Russian that are quite similar to Spanish. Russian, too, has borrowed heavily from Latin for terms of politics and science. When you know multiple languages within the same family, however, this challenge gets a bit easier. Aside from English, German is the language of this group I speak most often I use it with my coaching clients. German and Dutch are very similar, but I hardly ever speak Dutch at all, nowadays. Despite this, my frequent use of German has allowed me to maintain a respectable level in Dutch, and allowed me to use it well on certain rare occasions.

Dispelling the Myth of Simple Language Learning

The Downside of Learning Languages from the Same Family So far, it may seem like learning languages in families is something that only offers advantages. There is one main disadvantage to learning languages from the same group, and it can be summed up in a single word: Interference. It means mixing up and confusing the languages, both as you learn them, and when you go to use them. Since languages within a family are similar, but not the same, it is very easy to confuse them as you go about your learning. This happened to me with Dutch and German. When I started learning Dutch, I already spoke German quite well.

is it easier to learn french if you know spanish

So, whenever I went to use a Dutch structure that was similar to a German one, my brain automatically chose the How to clean rhinestones on shoes version. This led to me speaking an awkward hybrid of Dutch and German, rather than just Dutch, as I intended. This kind of interference is inevitable at first, but can gradually be minimized, or eliminated altogether. The best way to do this is to learn one language in the family extremely well to around a B2 level before you learn another language in the family. Of course, as I mentioned earlier, the stronger language will interfere with the weaker language, but as you improve your skill in the weaker language, this interference will decrease, and the two languages will grow strong and independent of one another.

Massive interference! Since both languages are not at a B2 level, they are not strong enough to withstand interference from the other. Small and weak, the two trees will have to compete for the same water and air to survive. If these resources are limited enough, it is very likely that one or both of the saplings will die, rather than growing up into big, strong trees that can survive well, even with competition.

This is why I always highly recommend that people NOT learn two closely related languages at the same time. Spanish and Italian at the same time? Polish and Czech. Not a good idea. Dutch and German? Not recommended.

Before we go, I want to talk about another type of interference between languages, which can get in your way even if you know both languages well.

Final thought (French or Spanish?)

Upon arriving in Italy, she was totally fluent in Spanish, and had no problems using it whatsoever. When I met her, she had been living in Italy for one year.

Is it easier to learn french if you know spanish Video

Is French easier than Spanish? Russian, too, has borrowed heavily from Latin for terms of politics and science. If, as an Indian, you want to travel to any of the American continents, Spanish dominates, with more than half a billion speakers, roughly is it easier to learn french if you know spanish to 50 million lives in the Click here.

Is it easier to learn french if you know - know

So, what can you do if you are a native or Spanish language learner?

You can learn a new language, of course. Now, you are probably asking yourself how hard it is to learn a new language. The scenario in your head is active already, thinking about the time you have to spend learning a new language, difficulties while studying, false friendsetc. Not every language is difficult to learn. In the following lines, you can find the 9 easiest languages to learn for Spanish speakers. Not that you must choose only one of them to learn, no! Is it easier to learn french if you know spanish

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