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How to forward email to another folder in outlook

how to forward email to another folder in outlook

Then hit Next. You will receive a message that says: This rule will be applied to every message you receive.

how to forward email to another folder in outlook

Is this correct? Select Yes. Next, you will be asked what you want to do with the message. Tick the box that says to forward it to people or public group. Under Step 2, make sure it also says to forward it to people or public group.

how to forward email to another folder in outlook

To exclude emails that match certain criteria from being forwarded: Select Add an exception. Select the Select one dropdown arrow and choose the desired condition. For example, select Sensitivity to exclude messages with a certain priority.

how to forward email to another folder in outlook

Select the Select an option dropdown arrow and choose the desired option. For example, select Private to exclude messages marked as private.

How to Send an Entire Outlook Folder to Someone Else – Best Methods

Thanks for letting us know! Please try again. Full features day free trial. Attach a folder with inserting all files as attachment in this folder Actually the Attach File feature can help you attach all files in a folder in composing email messages quickly. Step 3: In the Insert File dialog box, search for the folder you will attach and open it.

how to forward email to another folder in outlook

Finally, click Finish. How to Forward Emails in Outlook on Mac The Mac version of Outlook is largely identical with the Windows version, and the concept of auto-forwarding remains same regardless of which platform you use.

Click the Home tab and select Rules. Pick the Edit Rules option from the dropdown menu. Select your inbox on the left and click the small plus icon at the bottom of the right pane. Click OK to save the new rule.

How to Automatically Forward Emails in

The new rule will be listed in the Rules window, and you can click the red dot in the upper left to finish and return to Outlook. When you hold down the CTRL button and click on an email message, it will be added to your selection, and you can repeat this action as many times as you want. Shift clicking enables you to select all emails between the currently highlighted email and your mouse cursor. See screenshot: 2. In the Create Rule dialog, Under When I get e-mail with all of right! dummy data meaning are selected conditions, check the condition box for this email. And under Do the following, check Move the item to how to forward email to another folder in outlook box, and then click Select Folder button.

How to forward email to another folder in outlook Video

How to forward mail as attachment in Outlook

How to forward email to another folder in outlook - advise

ExtendOffice How to automatically move email to folder in Outlook? By default, Outlook gathers all received emails together and move them to its Inbox folder. What you should do if you feel that the Inbox is disordered and want to automatically move some specific emails to another folder for well-organized when you receiving them? This tutorials aim to help you creating here rule in Outlook in order to automatically move emails to a specific folder.

Automatically move email to folder by creating rule in Outlook Automatically move email to folder by creating rule in Outlook 1. How to forward email to another folder in outlook Forward all messages to another account automatically Messages that are forwarded will appear to be forwarded from you.

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