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What not to donate to food bank

what not to donate to food bank

What are food banks not allowed to hand out?

Anything containing alcohol and anything alcohol-flavoured is prohibited because sometimes recovering alcoholics need to use the food banks and receiving these goods might endanger them or make life very difficult for them. Whisky-flavoured marmalade, for example, could not be given out in food packages. Vouchers can be handed out to enable people to buy baby formula if needed. Anything without a best-before or use-by date cannot be handed out, and nor can anything homemade or that does not have ingredients listed. Food banks are charities and have to be very, very careful about adhering to rules and regulations around hygiene and food safety.

what not to donate to food bank

Other household items like toilet paper, toothbrushes, diapers, and can openers are also needed at food banks. To be sure that the items you donate will go to a worthy cause rather than being tossed for something easily avoidable like can dents or expiration dates, note the things you should avoid donating. View Gallery 12 Photos 1 of 12 Dented canned goods Canned goods like fruit, vegetables and tuna are a staple of food drives for good reason, but before you drop them off, do an inspection to ensure there aren't dents, rust or other signs of damage—that could mean that the food inside is spoiled.

what not to donate to food bank

They can easily shatter in transport, and food banks often cannot distribute them for safety reasons. AntennaGetty Images 3 of 12 Fresh dairy Most food banks are unable to accept items such as cheese, butter, and milk unless it's properly packaged and shelf stable.

Powdered milk is a great option that will keep much longer than a gallon from the refrigerated section. Bill OxfordGetty Images 4 of 12 Bulk foods Massive bags of rice, flour, and sugar are great for feeding lots of people, but many food banks don't have the re-packaging resources necessary to properly distribute the food to multiple families.

what not to donate to food bank

If you garden and can like I do, use your bounty to cut your own grocery bill, freeing up money you can donate to the food shelf. If you have a bumper crop, share the wealth with family, friends, and neighbors.

Offer them a jar of your spectacular preserves in exchange for a non-perishable item for the food shelf. But there are also items that are equally as important but perhaps not donated as often.

what not to donate to food bank

And food banks in Cardiff regularly update information about what they need, as well as what they have enough of. There are also specific Christmas collections taking place.

What not to donate to food bank Video

Adam Ruins Everything - Why You Shouldn't Donate Canned Food to Charities

What not to donate to food bank - advise


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