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Part time jobs in singapore for 13 years old

part time jobs in singapore for 13 years old

List of awesome jobs for year-olds When reading through the list of jobs for a year-old, consider balancing their skills with what they enjoy to find a great match. Then you can use some of the advertising suggestions above to here them land some work and start earning money. The pay range for most year-olds varies on the type of work. Look online or speak with other local parents to see what reasonable rates are for the job your teenager decides on.

part time jobs in singapore for 13 years old

Babysitter Babysitting can be a fantastic job for your year-old. It's a job that many young people hold as it's simple work in a safe home environment, usually with people that the babysitter already knows. Babysitting is a great way to ease them into a job, as you can be their first customer if you have other younger children. It can set them up for work long into the future because it's also a suitable job through their teen years and into adulthood. Plus, the work is enjoyable and relaxed.

Most of the time spent working as a babysitter can feel a lot like hanging out and when the kids go to bed, they can enjoy their own time or work on homework until the caregivers come home. Caregivers often like to use the same babysitter each time they go out, which would provide consistent work for your year old.

Parents who use babysitters usually know other parents, which can mean booming business through referrals. Pet sitter As a pet sitter, your year-old can earn extra money for looking after cute animals.

part time jobs in singapore for 13 years old

It seems like the perfect job for anyone at any age, especially if they like animals. In addition to companies approaching us to advertise their part time positions, we are supported by a team of temp and part time job spotters who comb through Singapore looking for part time work that our members can apply for.

They go into shopping centres and companies across the city, looking for part time work opportunities that can be uploaded to the Part Time Jobs Singapore online portal and Facebook page. This full spectrum service means you have access to jobs other websites have never — and will likely never — have heard of!

For year-olds, this is best done during the summer, but they can offer their services year-round. This job builds soft skills like time management and hard skills like caring for a pet or caring for house plants. Tutor Tutoring is an excellent job for academically minded year-olds. Many parents want their late-elementary or middle school students to receive individual tutoring support, so there's usually a high demand for this type of work. Your year-old can advertise their services at local schools or through community organizations.

part time jobs in singapore for 13 years old

This position builds a multitude of skills like communication, patience and time management. Car washer Another fun position for the outdoor-loving year-old, washing cars is an awesome job option for young teenagers. Your teenager could set up a car-washing station in a high-traffic community area or visit established clients at their homes. If they have access to a vacuum cleaner, they could also detail the interior of cars.

part time jobs in singapore for 13 years old

This job is great for the entrepreneurially minded year-old since it does often require building a client list. Those people will then pay you to give them the information, so all you have to do to be a teenage survey taker is sign up for a website and start taking surveys. Learn More Textbook Seller Textbooks cost a lot of money, which is why you can make a lot of money as a teenage textbook seller. Learn More Video Game Currency Seller Being a teenage video game currency seller is the perfect job for any year-old that plays popular video games online.

Being a teenage video game currency seller is fun and easy. Learn More Video Game Player Even though your parents might have told you differently, it is possible to make money as a teenage video game player. What you will need to do is stream your games live or record them to upload online. Learn Part time jobs in singapore for 13 years old Video Game Tester A teenage video game tester part time jobs in singapore for 13 years old a very important job for game companies because they need to make sure their game is completely playable and glitch-free before they can release it to the public.

Learn More Voiceover Specialist If you have a great speaking voice, then you could be a teenage voiceover specialist. A year-old can find plenty of work online where they might help with big projects like TV shows or audio books, or smaller projects like commercials or online ads. Whatever it is, making money as a teenage voiceover specialist can be a lot of fun and is as easy as talking into a microphone.

Learn More YouTuber Rather than spending all your time watching your favorite YouTubers do their thing, why not try to make money yourself as a teenage YouTuber? As a teenage artist, you could either create your own original artwork to be sold at art fairs and craft fairs, or take requests from friends and family members to create artwork made just for them! Learn More Dog Walker For teens that love dogs and being outside, being a teenage dog walker is a dream job!

This is a great job for making money as a teen because dogs need to be walked every day and many people have dogs, so there will always be opportunities for work. Yard work can cover a range of jobs, from car washing after school hours on a week day, to a whole day of helping a local business prepare for summer camp. Do the paper round Many companies are willing to pay young people to go for the classic paper route career starter. The hours you are allowed to work will be restricted during the school term.

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