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How to say the door in spanish

how to say the door in spanish

The second door we are opening is the door to freedom. La segunda puerta que vamos a abrir es la que conduce a la libertad. This opens the door to fraud. When I arrived, the door was already closed. The candidate countries are knocking at our door.

how to say the door in spanish

The stable door had clearly not been locked. That opens the door to the patentability of software.

how to say the door in spanish

Esto abre las puertas a la how to say the door in spanish del software. We have opened the door for the years to come. This is all about enlargement by the back door. They need to get a foot in the door. Tienen que meter el pie en la puerta. That door has almost been closed. Am I to interpret that as closing the how to say the door in spanish on Turkey? This is a door of opportunity we cannot close to them. Es una puerta a la oportunidad que no podemos cerrarles. This is an open door to abuse and avoidance. Esto abre la puerta al abuso y los intentos de eludir la normativa.

But the door remains open. Pero la puerta sigue abierta. Frankenstein is lurking at the door! Frankenstein acecha tras la puerta. It is therefore wrong to lay the whole blame at President Berisha's door. Por consiguiente, es un error cargar todas las responsabilidades al Sr. Too often, the countries of Europe have greeted foreigners by slamming the door. There will be no harmonisation or changes to EU legislation through the back door. Some people lay the blame at Mr Trichet's door, others blame Mr Juncker. I do not want to lay the blame for these attacks at the door of the Russian Government.

No quiero que la culpa de estos ataques recaiga sobre del Gobierno de Rusia. The port of Rostock is right next door, over the border in Germany. Nor is there, however, any justification for increasing premiums through the back door. From Europarl Parallel Corpus - Spanish-English At the very least we must leave open the door to an integrated presidency in a few years time. At the very least we must leave open the door to an integrated presidency in a few years time. This reinforcement by the back door should be rejected in the strongest possible terms. The barn door click the following article wide open, and now we want to bring the harvest in.

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Open borders could easily lead to us closing the door on dynamism and improvements. Behind closed doors the argument source focused on the numerator.

How to say the door in spanish Video

How to Pronounce Puerta? - How to Say DOOR in Spanish

How to say the door in spanish - opinion

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