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How to say deductible amount in spanish

how to say deductible amount in spanish

Travel, restaurant and catering: These expenses will be deductible as long as there are deductible in the IRPF. What expenses are not deductible? Below are some of the expenses that are not fiscally deductible, according to the Law on Value Added Tax: Food and drinks. Services designed to serve customers, employees or third parties.

Travel services, hotels and restaurants. It can even help to answer a worksheet or test. To use this tool just fill in any number and then click on the button 'Say it in spanish'. To hear the pronunciation, please click on the play buttons. Unfortunately we are still seeing a certain amount of confrontation on both

how to say deductible amount in spanish

Desgraciadamente vemos que sigue habiendo muchos enfrentamientos por ambas partes. The European Parliament approves a given amount for a period of three years.

how to say deductible amount in spanish

Support from the European Parliament in safeguarding that amount will be crucial. Paragraph 21 demands that full use be made of the maximum amount of 1.

Our proposal therefore gives the Council of Ministers a large amount of flexibility. More info you have declared your income to the Tax Officeif you have been retained no more than you are entitled to, the income will be returned to you. On the other hand, if less has been withheld, you will have to pay the remaining part of the tax. Calculating income tax on the payroll: Spain salary after tax How much exactly is the salary tax in the Spanish territory?

As explained above, the percentage is different depending on the worker and his or her circumstances.

how to say deductible amount in spanish

Your family situation influences the percentage of income tax you have to pay. For example, if you are disabled, single, married or widowed, if you have children under 25, if you have dependents such as people over 65, disabled, etc.

These are all conditions that will make your percentage change. Your salary also has an influence.

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