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How does instagram generate suggested friends


How does instagram generate suggested friends - something also

Social media knows everything there is to know about us, and Instagram is no exception, with its eerily accurate suggestions of people you may know — some of which are oddly well-timed and accurate.

But how exactly do these suggestions work? While your inner circle of active friends is easier to detect, as your social media and sharing frequently involves them, it gets harder as it reaches the edges of your social circles. The algorithms that work toward providing you fresh and relevant friend suggestions take numerous factors into consideration, including: Linked Social Media Accounts — Since Facebook actually owns Instagram, it does not come as a surprise these two social media apps are tightly intertwined.

If you friend somebody on Facebook, they will frequently also appear as a suggestion on Instagram soon afterward. Similarly, if you follow someone on Instagram, they will often appear on your Facebook friend suggestions.

What these companies do with that data is governed by the laws of individual countries.

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