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How to restrict what a friend sees on facebook

how to restrict what a friend sees on facebook


How to restrict what a friend sees on facebook

How to restrict what a friend sees on facebook Video

How to Limit Who Can See Your Facebook Friends List

Consider, that: How to restrict what a friend sees on facebook

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HOW TO MAKE EMAIL NEWSLETTER IN GMAIL Especially with all the headlines of banks going bankrupt and stock prices plummeting during the / recession, it's easy for an innocent Facebook comment to reveal too much about your personal finances.

how to restrict what a friend sees on facebook

Consider this scenario: You're posting to a long thread on a friend. Nov 24,  · Hi is there anyone who can help with this query, I have a friend on facebook who has about 8 mutual friends on f.b.

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Recently he disappeared from my friend list (this has happend twice and caused a problem, as I couldn’t understand why he blocked me) but he said he hasn’t blocked me.

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If this person was in another list, select that list to un-check and remove them from the list. What's the name of your first pet? What's your mother's maiden name?

how to restrict what a friend sees on facebook

How to restrict what a friend sees on facebook - assured, what

How to Distance yourself from a Facebook friend without Unfriending November 24, Jean Originally publishedupdated November First, you will prevent their updates from showing up on your feed the page you see when you first log into Facebook.

Then, you can prevent them from seeing your updates. Of course you could always go ahead and un-friend someone — they will not be notified.

how to restrict what a friend sees on facebook

But it could create an awkward situation, depending on the person and your relationship. Mobile: 1.

how to restrict what a friend sees on facebook

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