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How are you doing in french canadian

how are you doing in french canadian

Have Thanksgiving in October On the second Monday in October, most Canadians devour a meal of turkey with all the trimmings, followed by pumpkin pie. The extra day off means many will squeeze a final weekend out of cottage season see below. Pro: It fills a nice gap in the calendar about halfway between summer and Christmas. Read more: The strange history of Canadian Thanksgiving. Line up for the bus No list would be complete without mentioning one of the noticeably polite things Canadians do. This is a potentially friendly, but usually silent, social situation in which people wait for the bus in a line snaking down the block.

how are you doing in french canadian

The first people to arrive at the stop, and therefore those who wait longest, get on first and have first choice of seat. In many countries and cities, people wait as one blob of humanity where anyone around can touch or rob you, but in Canada there is an unspoken and unwritten rule — you line up instead. Not content with options such as milk and sugar, many Canadians choose to put a hefty dollop of cream in their coffee. Pro: Neutralises the bitter taste of percolated coffee. Con: Calorific. Actually this is more an Ontario thing, but Ontario is a lot of Canada.

Large-scale retailers will sell bags holding four litres of the stuff. You might be interested: Which parts of canada speak french How do you say hi in many ways? Formal: Bonjour. Informal: Salut.

Formal: Hola. Formal: Zdravstvuyte. Informal: Privet. Formal: Salve. Informal: Ciao. Formal: Guten Tag. Informal: Hallo, Hi. Heeey, baaaaaby.

how are you doing in french canadian

Hihoneybunch! Oh, yoooouhoooo! I like your face. Are Ecuadorians Spanish? No, so, stop it!

how are you doing in french canadian

There are aspects of their language that are different from European French because it has been evolving separately for the past few centuries; still, it is French, real French. Talk shit about the food. Nowhere outside of Quebec can one find good cheese curds the ones that make a squeaky noise when you chew them and St. Hubert Poutine mix.

how are you doing in french canadian

Nowhere, I said. What other elements of French Canadian culture are you trying to destroy? Are you also going to tell me the best maple syrup you ever had was in Maine? Just get out of my sight!

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