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Why do some facebook posts get more likes than others

why do some facebook posts get more likes than others

Again, this could signal larger issues with targeting, competition, ad quality, and more. So keep a close eye on it. Impressions: A high number of impressions indicates that your ad is well optimized for the platform and your audience. Tracking these metrics in Facebook Ads Manager can be overwhelming since the tool is not easy to navigate and the visualizations are quite limiting. With this Facebook Ads dashboardyou can quickly discover your most popular ads and see which campaigns have the highest ROI, including details such as: What are your highest performance Facebook Ad campaigns? Step 3: Watch your dashboard populate in seconds. Get the template free 1. But there were two opposing camps here. One recommended narrowing your targeting to focus on the people who will respond best to your ad. The other recommended targeting a wider audience, both to increase raw reach numbers and gather better data.

Both are right, depending on your situation… 1a. Nataf shared their approach when they worked with Peloton, in which they see more over 1, combinations of interest and behavioral groups in two months.

That might not be feasible for your campaign.

why do some facebook posts get more likes than others

But it goes to show how many ways there are to narrow your target groups. These features allow marketers to find highly relevant audiences for their ads. As usual, your goals factor heavily into best practices.

Broaden Your Target Groups for Better Data On the other end of the spectrum, several marketers warned against creating too small an audience. For example, Listables founder Vivek Chugh emphasized the benefits of not getting too specific in your targeting. You can improve relevancy by personalizing your text and images to appeal to your specific audience. This type of testing is crucial for improving your long-term ad performance, says Michael Lewis, marketing assistant at Active Web Group. Sophia Pollock, paid social account manager at Power Digital Marketingpointed out the importance of continuous testing.

Instead of running tons of different audiences at once, Morgan and his team focus on ads that are underperforming. Use Photos, But Make Them Original Plain-text status updates have secretly been one of most effective types of posts for boosting organic reach for years, but the company announced in January why do some facebook posts get more likes than others it would be reducing the distribution of text posts and increasing distribution click at this page others. Photos, when used correctly, can be a win for both audience engagement and reach, and they align with the increasingly visual nature of the social network and its spinoff apps.

Post here Odd Hours Figuring out the best time to post on Facebook has been an elusive goal for social media practitioners for years.

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Make sure the questions are pertinent to your organization, though. If your posts keep people engaged, as measured by likes, comments, shares and time on screen, the social network will reward you with further reach. Well, the secret has less to do with a specific Instagram filter or tactic, and more about understanding how we see and process visual information. Believe it or not, a big contributor to why people are more attracted to one photo over another is psychology. The Problem With Most Instagram Marketing Advice Pretty much every article you read about Instagram marketing and how to get more engagement mentions the same general idea: post great content. Starbucks posts a lot of user generated content of customers drinking its delicious drinks. Nike posts motivational videos and photos. For instance, John B Watson was a controversial psychologist and salesman known for using emotion to compel consumers to buy.

He created an ad why do some facebook posts get more likes than others a seductive woman implying that it was ok for women to smoke, as long as they used Pebeco toothpaste. By including an attractive woman in the ad and focusing on smoking, Watson went from selling hygiene to selling seduction. He sold the idea that women could smoke and still be desirable as long as they used Pebeco toothpaste. Times have obviously changed dramatically since then. In other words, using psychology to sell.

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You can incorporate psychology in both the visual elements and copy of your Instagram posts. What is Visual Psychology? You might already be familiar with the concept of visual perception. The idea that objects can appear different depending on how you look at them. The classic example of this is the Necker Cube illusion. Now that you have an idea of what visual psychology is, the next question is why do some facebook posts get more likes than others can you implement it into your strategy?

In their research, Sanocki and Sulman looked at the effects of color harmony on short term visual memory. In their test, they showed participants patterns of colored squares, with similar and dissimilar patterns. They measured how accurately people perceived color change when they swapped out a few of the color squares. They found that people were able to better memorize the patterns when the colors were harmonious. Example Here are a couple of examples of how Adidas uses the principle of color harmony on their Instagram page. They often post clusters of photos featuring balanced color combinations. So when a user sees their photos in their feed, they can pick up on the theme.


Key takeaways: Use harmonious color palettes in your photos. Surrounding colors affect our short term visual memory. Use contrast between your backgrounds and the focal point to help your Instagram photos stand out. Use fewer colors in your photos. The more colors you use, the more difficult it is for people to remember your visuals. Use Scene Gist to Make Your Photos More Memorable Scene gist is your ability to understand the context or subject of a photo once your eyes fixate on an image. You may not realize it, but most people are able to recognize what an image is within seconds of seeing it. So source does this have to do with your Instagram photos?

why do some facebook posts get more likes than others

When people scroll through their Instagram feed, are they able to immediately recognize what your photo is about? The next question is, what can you do to improve the scene perception for see more Instagram posts? Well back inresearchers Monica S. Castelhano and John Henderson did an experiment that might help you out. They showed participants a quick presentation of a scene, and immediately after they were shown the name of a target object. Participants had to state whether the name of the object was consistent or inconsistent with the photo they were shown.

Through the experiment, Castelhano and Henderson concluded that color is directly associated with scene gist.

why do some facebook posts get more likes than others

Scene Gist on Instagram American Airlines occasionally shares photos with filters. Steer away from filters that dramatically intensify all the colors of your photos.

why do some facebook posts get more likes than others

Make sure your photos are easy to recognize. Abstract photos or pictures from odd angles are more difficult for people to interpret, so you risk getting overlooked. Visual priming is when exposure to one stimulus impacts source response to another. The concept of priming has been tested and used in marketing in different variations for decades. In their experiment, Mandel and Johnson tested how why do some facebook posts get more likes than others background of a website can influence consumer behavior. They asked participants to compare two different car brands on a webpage. On one page, the background was green with pennies on it. Why do some facebook posts get more likes than others

Why do some facebook posts get more likes than others - the expert

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As a user, I mean. You might refresh the page and start at the top to see anything new, or you might shrug and leave. many of those posts do you like, share, comment on, or otherwise engage with? How many links did you click? Post "high quality content".

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