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You dont talk english in spanish

you dont talk english in spanish

How intelligible are these people? So, are you seeing a speech sign? Carrie: Hang on just a second, there may be a delay.

Here it is, ok. Scott: Ok there it is. These speech intelligibility guidelines are true of nearly all languages. Just in a conversation with an interpreter with a parent or with a committee. You know, what percentage of the time can you understand your child. And sometimes they need examples like the younger ones. You get these hands-on examples for the teacher.

I love the language and have studied it, but it doesn't take precedence over my other seven. I am not gifted enough to learn eight different languages, nor do I have the time or desire to try to promote all of my races and ethnicities. I am American first. English is the official language of this country, the only exception being in Hawaii, where Hawaiian is also an official language. I think it would behoove Americans to learn other foreign languages, as many Europeans do. But I think it should be up to each individual as to what second language they choose to learn.

Speaking Spanish is great, as there are a lot of Spanish speaking people you dont talk english in spanish this country, but I don't believe it should replace English in any way It sounds as if you want to replace English with Spanish, and why? If I went to a foreign country, I would expect to have to learn their language. I wouldn't expect them to speak mine. I wouldn't expect them to teach me history about my country. I mean, how would you like it if Americans went to Mexico and started pushing their language on Mexican children in school?

And you are right that there is racism is this country. I don't approve of it, but I don't confuse preserving the official language as a denigration of another. Maybe one day Spanish will be the official language of this country. Will that make you any happier you dont talk english in spanish a human being; will that improve core communication with all people?

you dont talk english in spanish

So what will you do when the Chinese call in on our debts and start insisting that we speak Mandarin Chinese? I am also Chinese, so I would be represented there, too. Should my Spanish read more fight with my Chinese? Or my many other European blood? It's all very silly, but it does serve to keep people at each other's throats and thereby lacking in effective, cohesive society. You dont talk english in spanish do you insist on harping on the differences when it is from the commonalities that we make progress? I am sorry to hear that Tucson has banned Mexican-American studies. That's history of the area. I grew up in NJ, and we learned about the Dutch, who settled so much of that state. You sound as if you hate America as it is, but in your last line, "then, the other ethnic groups will have to do some 'assimilating' of their own," you sound as if you would force your own brand of Spanish America down go here else's throats.

That sounds like hypocrisy to me. Should this apply to other ethnic groups, sure, if they care to defend their culture and language and their dignity, but those are cultural fights for them to fight. My issue is with you dont talk english in spanish English Only bigots like Santorum and the rest of the right wing radicals. You may add your little commentaries and criticisms, but when Hispanics become a majority it will be timethe present majority whites to start learning Spanish.

March 18, at pm Report abuse Sumo What I'm detecting here is a failure to assimilate. Why is it that modern immigrants are so resistant to this? Furthermore, what's the value in learning Spanish when everyone in this country worth talking to speaks English? I think the author is doing a great disservice to her child. Would you rather your daughter be a master of English with an extensive vocabulary, or just be "pretty good" at two different languages, one of which she only speaks around you?

Stop being so selfish! You might have good intentions trying to "preserve your hertiage", but don't do it at your child's expense!

you dont talk english in spanish

March 7, at pm Report abuse djc She is doing her daughter a great favor. Employers already are wanting to hire only bi-lingual individuals. This childs age is perfect for absorbing both languages and will make her more intelligent not less. I applaud this mother. I am caucasian and I remember my mother a nurse trying to learn spanish back in the late 70s so she could help those who only spoke spanish.

you dont talk english in spanish

We need a little more acceptance in this country. The first person God created was not a white American. March 7, at pm Report abuse lili Sumo, I totally agree with your first paragraph. I think if people want to cling to their old country, language and customs so much, they should just stay in their country and stop trying to turn America into their old country.

But some people come here as refugees from oppressive rulers, so maybe they don't want to be American as much as they want the freedom that with citizenship.

you dont talk english in spanish

A prohibition against speaking any Spanish at work can constitute discrimination if it is imposed against workers who speak you dont talk english in spanish Spanish or a little English, especially if they can show that read more can perform their job without speaking English. In addition, a prohibition against speaking Spanish to co-workers while an employee is on a break or lunch hour would most likely constitute a violation FEHA. Examples of this would be disciplining workers for speaking a few words of Spanish or during their breaks with co-workers. English-only speaking rules can also be illegal if they are enforced only against one minority. For example, if Chinese-speaking workers are permitted to speak Chinese, but Spanish speaking workers are prohibited from speaking Spanish, this could be illegal.

Oftentimes, in meetings and other settings at work a conversation or discussion involves switching between English and Spanish. I am fairly new less than two yearsand most employees at this company have been there 20 years or more. I you dont talk english in spanish already spoken with the HR point of contact, and she agreed with me that it is not okay, but the behavior continues.

Sorry: You dont talk english in spanish

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