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Translate english to french context reverso

translate english to french context reverso

Just type or speak a word or an expression and find accurate translations, illustrated by examples of real usage. Then, you can easily memorize the ones that are relevant to you with our learning activities.

How context helps you better translate? The search results translations for a specific word or expression are weaved within real-life sentences extracted from official documents, movie subtitles, product descriptions. The examples help you understand how translations can vary upon context and select the most suitable one to avoid embarrassing mistakes. But insiders know better than that: Averse from whatever political influence, Fado nor Flamenco have ever stopped from evolving, only obeying to their own laws and their own soul!


Obeying to the music and movie industries, unelected negotiators are deciding the future of the Internet. Moved by so irresistible impulses as big was In the 19th century, the garden was reorganized for the second time, obeying to the principles of the English garden, which was becoming popular in Italy, as well.

Possibly inappropriate content Unlock Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas.

Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. This tool enables you to automatically remove grammar and spelling mistakes and make progress in the way you use French in writing.

translate english to french context reverso

When several corrections are possible, you are prompted to choose one of them. There are cases when mistakes are skipped in order to limit the display of warnings or when the suggested corrections are not perfectly adapted to the context. Therefore, we advise you to review the text yourself after the correction. To improve your French spelling, you can also consult our online grammar and conjugation modules.

translate english to french context reverso

Just type or say the word or expression you wish to translate and the results will appear instantly: relevant translations, presented with examples of how words are used in sentences. The app offers flashcards and quizzes based on your search history and favorites to help you memorize them and to improve your language skills. Unlike standard learning tools, it focuses on words and expressions that you really need and want to learn.

translate english to french context reverso

Translate english to french context reverso

Translate english to french context reverso - interesting

To add entries to your own vocabularybecome a member of Reverso community or login if you are already a member. It's easy and only translate english to french context reverso a few seconds: Or sign up in the traditional way How to take part: Add words and phrases with complete translations and definitions Comment on the English to French translations submitted by other users Vote for or against the French translation of English words » How to contribute Help us write our English-French dictionary In addition to the general dictionary offered in partnership with world-famous publisher Collins, you can access thousands of English to French translations added by our users, based on their own experience and knowledge.

Dictionary, Translation, Games

Together these make up the English-French Collaborative Dictionary, designed to include words and expressions that are missing from other on-line dictionaries: colloquial words and expressions, technical terms, regionalisms, useful alternative translations, etc. A wide-ranging dictionary lookup tool It has never been easier to translate English words and expressions into French. Using a single interface, you can display results from both the general and collaborative dictionaries. Why use English-French dictionary Translate english to french context reverso you look up a word, the results include not only words and expressions from the general dictionary, but also solutions suggested by users, many of whom are language experts Provides quick access to synonyms, pronunciation, and verb conjugations You can be a language expert yourself by adding words to the online dictionaries You can ask for an English-French translation or join discussions on the meanings of words.

You: Translate english to french context reverso

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The search results translation of a specific word or expression are weaved within real-life sentences, so you will be sure to understand and learn exactly how the word can be used, and make no embarrassing mistakes.

Just type or say the word or how delete facebook conversations you wish to translate and the results will appear instantly: relevant translations, presented with examples of how words are used in sentences. Click on the familiar "Share" option and select the Reverso option.

translate english to french context reverso

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