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Places that start serving lunch at 10 near me

places that start serving lunch at 10 near me


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places that start serving lunch at 10 near me

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Places that start serving lunch at 10 near me - are absolutely

PixelSquish said: I'll never go to an I-Hop again after risking life and limb the last time I went there.

Are You Looking for a Food Places Near Me Serving Lunch?

Driving with my GF at the time, in the middle lane doing like 65mph, I started to hear a noise and glanced left and behind, and some idiot lost control of their car in the left lane and was starting to swerve into my lane. I slammed on the breaks and that car was spinning out right in front of me and literally grazed my bumper before proceeding to slam into the guardrail on the right hand lane.

places that start serving lunch at 10 near me

Considering I had nearly been swiped by a car when I was going over 60mph and saved us by ninja like cat reflexes I was a little shaken up. But we proceeded to go to I-Hop.

places that start serving lunch at 10 near me

And it was gross. I'll never risk my life again to eat there. Haven't been there in 7 years since. You should go back.

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