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How to take 2 integer input in python

how to take 2 integer input in python

Suppose the user wants to give some numbers as input wishes it to be stored in a list, then what Python code you will need to add in your program to accomplish this. Getting a list of numbers as input in Python As we all know, to take input from the user in Python we use input function. Now we need to split the input to get access to the individual numbers. Note that the input function in Python always returns a string. But we want a list of numbers say integers as input. Program to subtract how to take 2 integer input in python float number using a function Here, we can see program to substract two float number using a function in python.

The float data type is used to enter the decimal numbers as the input. The function is returned as return sub. Program to subtract two float number using a function This code, we can use to subtract two float number using a function in Python. Program to subtract the complex number in python Here, we can see how to write a program to subtract the complex number in python.

The complex function is used to return the complex number by specifying a real number and an imaginary number. The function is defined as def subComplex a, b. The function is returned as return a — b. The below screenshot shows the output.

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Program to subtract the complex number in python The above code, we can use to subtract the complex number in Python. Program subtract numbers using class Here, we can see how to write a program to subtract numbers using class in python. I have created a class using a constructor to initialize the value of the class I have created a method to subtract the numbers.

The object is created for the class to pass the parameter. The self is the keyword used to pass the attributes and methods to the class. We will use the list comprehension with input and split method split the input by space.

how to take 2 integer input in python

Map to take mutiple input number In this example, We are using the map method in list comprehension and split function. To remove leading and trailing spaces we are using the strip method. How to take multiple input number as a list of lists. In this example, First asking the user to enter the number of elements, taking user input as a list using the input method. How to take any number of inputs using while loop In this code example, we are using the while loop to take any number of inputs from the user.

How to take 2 integer input in python Video

#18 Python Tutorial for Beginners - User input in Python - Command Line Input We can create lists just like mathematical statements in one line only.

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Here fun is the function go here which the map function passes each iterable. Using split method Using split method : This function helps in getting multiple inputs from users.

How to take 2 integer input in python - that

Take Multiple Inputs from User in Python a split split function helps us get multiple inputs from the user and assign them to the respective variables in one line.

This function is generally used to separate a given string into several substrings. However, you can also use it for taking multiple inputs. The function generally breaks the given input by the specified separator and in case the separator is not provided then any white space is considered as a separator. The syntax for using the split function to take multiple inputs is: input. We can create lists just like mathematical statements in how to take 2 integer input in python line only.

It is also used in getting multiple inputs from a user.

how to take 2 integer input in python

List data types also helps in taking multiple inputs from the user at a time. The below example will help you understand better.

how to take 2 integer input in python

In general, the syntax for map function is map fun, iter. How to take 2 integer input in python

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