How to spell hurry up in spanish

Muchachos, ustedes tienen que apurarse. So there is no hurry. Por tanto, no hay prisa. I would ask you to hurry up.
Les ruego un poco de velocidad. Why do we need to hurry? That is why we should not hurry to reduce them. Por ello, no debemos precipitarnos en proceder a reducciones. Mr President, I am not in a hurry at all. That is something which we will not forget in a hurry. This, clearly, is not going to be decided in a hurry. Esto, claramente, no se va a decidir en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. This is not only because we are convinced of your qualities but also because we are in a hurry. We would have preferred her to hurry out there to do her job.

In short, I repeat: what is the hurry? Why is there such a hurry to open negotiations with these countries? We therefore need to hurry up. But why is the Commission in such a tearing hurry? So there is no hurry, and it would be better to take our time.

Time is marching on: we must hurry! Things should be done in a hurry, but planned wisely.
Legislating in a great hurry is unacceptable and undemocratic. Each of these characters is assigned a number, from 0 to note it only goes to since we start counting at 0, not 1.

Well, as it turns out when we convert text to binary, we are just converting the text to a string of ASCII codes, but we're also converting those ASCII codes into binary numbers instead of decimal numbers the numbers you learn in school. Learning how to convert decimal numbers to binary numbers how to spell hurry up in spanish outside the scope of this explanation, but here's a decimal to binary translator which explains the conversion process. Binary Translation So there you have it. This translator can act as a quick online binary encoder or binary decoder so that you can translate English into binary and share encoded messages with your friends. They can then decode the binary message using this same translator.
Who knows, if you were dedicated enough to learn the binary ASCII codes, you might even be able to learn to write in binary. Chicano Natives use this word to describe people of Mexican origin born in the United States, or people who were born in Mexico but emigrated to the US at an early age.
Tocayo Nickname given to anyone who shares your first name. Prieto While this may seem a little racist to an English speaker, in Mexico this word is seen as non-offensive slang to describe someone with darker skin. My black friend, he was there the other day Chela Chelas, or cheves are beers, and the word comes from a beer cocktail michelada that mixes beer with lime, chili and tomato juice. Dame dos chelas para mi y mi compadre — Give me two chelas for me and my compadre.
Pomo A rather short name for a bottle of any liquor that you might find, from vodka to some fine tequila. Malacopa The lightweight person who gets drunk extremely easy or extremely fast — we all know someone like that. Chamba A difficult and demanding job, or an unpleasant situation i. Changarro The name given to small, wholesome family businesses — like the bodega mom and pop store on the corner of the street.
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