How to set up voicemail in teams

How to Check Your Voicemail and Record Your Voicemail Greeting
NOTE: ensure that the service account is an Owner of the Team you will use You will need to add users to this team who will be alerted to incoming messages so they will need to set up their channel notifications accordingly. Copy the channel mail address and save for a later step in this process. Redirect the voicemail to the Team channel This is the best part!

The important part is that the employees that need to handle the voicemails are a member of this group. Officegroup in Outlook When the group is created, you can start creating an auto attendant or edit an existing one. There you select the Officegroup and choose whether to allow transcription or not Configuring the voicemail call routing In most cases, you use this for handling calls after hours or during holidays. This is now possible. Putting it to the test When testing this flow, the auto attendant is called.
about service
Microsoft Voicemail and Messages To listen to your voice messages, in Microsoft Teams click on the Calls tab, then click on Voicemail, any unread voice message will be indicated by a number notification. By clicking on the Voicemail option, you will see a list of all your voice messages. To start listening to your voice messages, click on the user from your list and click the play option to start listening. Transfer the call to someone else. If you choose an option that includes transferring the call, set the name or number where you want your calls to go under Where should they be transferred?

Default greeting language Change your default greeting language by selecting the language you want under Greeting language. Text-to-speech voicemail greeting To use a text-to-speech voicemail greeting, type one in Your custom greeting under Text-to-speech customized greeting.
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Note: If you've recorded a greeting, it'll override the text-to-speech option. Out of office voicemail greeting Type your out of office greeting in Your custom out of office greeting under Text-to-speech customized greeting, then choose when you'd like it to play under Out of office greeting. There, under Ringtones, you can choose separate ringtones for your normal calls, forwarded calls, and how to set up voicemail in teams calls so you're able to tell them apart. Select Edit blocked contacts under Blocked contacts to see any numbers you've blocked and remove them from the list. To block anonymous calls, select Block calls with no caller ID. When the setup is completed, Microsoft Teams devices are registered as SIP devices, just like click desk phone. The required phone extension and user information is synchronized from 8x8 to the Microsoft Teams environment, and the user's 8x8 phone number will appear in Teams devices.

So when a Teams user makes or receives phone calls using a Teams client or device, the calls are transparently handled by the 8x8 phone service.
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Then, you can forward calls to that user. To make sure your calls get to voicemail, change Do Nothing to Voicemail, and you can even choose how long you want calls to ring for before being sent there. how to set up voicemail in teams

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