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How do you say thank god in french

how do you say thank god in french

So that you can make new French friends.

And keep the ones you already have! Some of our tips may surprise you.

how do you say thank god in french

Like how to avoid looking like a pushy tourist. More on that in a bit. You can use it in most situations. You can say merci to thank a shopkeeper. You can use it to show gratitude for the favor your friend did for you.

The place to avoid using merci? In particularly formal situations.

how do you say thank god in french

Tu is the informal version. To be safe, stick with vous until your conversation partner suggests otherwise.

how do you say thank god in french

So much so, that French police are required to use the formal version of you everytime they speak to someone. You even use the vous form when speaking to a salesperson. When in doubt, pull vous out. You can use this at the end of your letter or email. Which one should you use--de or pour? To be more specific about what you are thanking someone for, any of the French thank you phrases mentioned above will be followed by the prepositions de or pour.

But which one should you use? I thank you for helping me. Merci de faire la vaiselle.

how do you say thank god in french

Thank you for doing the dishes. When in doubt, err on the side of politeness and allow the other person to correct you if they don't want you to address them so formally. Sometimes the simple word merci just doesn't seem like enough. There are several words and phrases you can add to it if you want to emphasize your gratitude to the person.

She co-created and runs French Today, offering original audio for adult students. But there are different ways to say thank you in Frenchas well as different meanings to the word. You may smile or not, depending on how firm you want the refusal to be.

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