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What is tired in spanish

what is tired in spanish

They no longer accept Mugabe's tired excuse that Zimbabwe's problems came from outside. Far too many accidents are caused by tired drivers, and measures must be taken to curb this problem.

what is tired in spanish

La Presidencia comparte sus reservas respecto a las sesiones nocturnas plenamente. Those of us who live in the region are sick and tired of crises. Los conductores agotados al volante de grandes camiones son un peligro. Personally I am tired how to kick someone off your amazon prime video the talk of market-based instruments in environmental policy. I am tired of rising from the lake naked. Pues bien, estoy cansada de salir de las aguas del mar desnuda. We are tired of being a Greek chorus in this tragedy. Estamos cansados de ser un coro griego en esta tragedia. The people of Colombia are tired of the fighting. We are tired of waiting on this issue.

Estamos cansados de esperar en este tema. I am rather tired of repeating the same thing.

Estoy harta de repetir lo mismo. There is no doubt that those who do not want to hear it are tired of it. We are tired of talking about abuse and traffickers.

what is tired in spanish

Estamos hartos de hablar de abusos y de traficantes. We do that all the time, and that is why we look so tired and pale! Colleagues, we have had a long week and we are all tired. Colegas, hemos tenido una larga semana y todos estamos cansados. I confess that I am tired, but not too tired to fight for jobs in Europe's shipbuilding industry.

We are quite tired of hearing about development targets. I am therefore rather tired of the matter this evening. Lo cierto es que estoy bastante cansada del tema esta tarde. We are tired of excuses and are feeling decidedly disillusioned.

what is tired in spanish

Estamos cansados de excusas y nos sentimos muy desilusionados. I have really become quite tired of this issue. Estoy bastante harto de este asunto. We are tired of hearing that all of this is impossible and that we need unanimity. cansados de escuchar que todo esto es imposible y que necesitamos unanimidad.

The Commissioner knows this only too well for he is tired of listening to me about it. Perhaps because of your looks tired.

what is tired in spanish

Tal vez a causa de su aspecto cansado. I expect Mr Ackland's tired. Supongo que Sr. Fran said Mark was always tired. Fran le dijo a Mark que siempre estaba cansado. But being tired out is one thing. Pero estar cansada y tener curiosidad son cosas diferentes, por eso le pregunto. Duncan apparently said he was tired.

Al parecer, Duncan dijo que estaba cansado. You're very tired, Mrs Poster. What is tired in spanish

What is tired in spanish - that necessary

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How To Say I Tired In Spanish

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