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How you say yes in spanish

how you say yes in spanish how you say yes in spanish

However, if you want to step up your game and venture into a truly meaningful conversation, you have to step out of the comfort zone. Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow? Literally: I believe that yes. Is Amalia coming to the party? En absoluto — Not at all This one is more formal. Use it to emphasize your disagreement. I am allergic. Yes, I have given it to him. Yes, I have explained it to him. Yes, it is mine.

There are only a few. Yes, and you were against it!

how you say yes in spanish

My reply is yes, a resounding yes. Here too, I say 'yes', an emphatic 'yes'! Yes, in my view, yes. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, yes.

how you say yes in spanish

Yes or no? Yes, right! In fact, we do not have a good literal translation of the phrase. So just what does se puede mean?

Out of context, it would be translated loosely as "it can be done. Se puede is a phrase of empowerment puede is a close cousin of el poder, a noun meaning "power"and "we can" conveys that thought well even if not a literal equivalent. Your friend: Did you already finish the tv show that I recommend to you? You: Yes! I finished yesterday, it was pretty cool.

how you say yes in spanish

This word is popular among all Spanish speaking countries; however, when using it, you need to pay attention to your tone of voice. Otherwise, you could be perceived as dismissive or disrespectful.

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