How you say yes in spanish

However, if you want to step up your game and venture into a truly meaningful conversation, you have to step out of the comfort zone. Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow? Literally: I believe that yes. Is Amalia coming to the party? En absoluto — Not at all This one is more formal. Use it to emphasize your disagreement. I am allergic. Yes, I have given it to him. Yes, I have explained it to him. Yes, it is mine.
There are only a few. Yes, and you were against it!

My reply is yes, a resounding yes. Here too, I say 'yes', an emphatic 'yes'! Yes, in my view, yes. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, yes.

Yes or no? Yes, right! In fact, we do not have a good literal translation of the phrase. So just what does se puede mean?
Out of context, it would be translated loosely as "it can be done. Se puede is a phrase of empowerment puede is a close cousin of el poder, a noun meaning "power"and "we can" conveys that thought well even if not a literal equivalent. Your friend: Did you already finish the tv show that I recommend to you? You: Yes! I finished yesterday, it was pretty cool.

This word is popular among all Spanish speaking countries; however, when using it, you need to pay attention to your tone of voice. Otherwise, you could be perceived as dismissive or disrespectful.
Your friend: Can I take your phone to make a call?
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