How to say pig in spanish

A chicken said to a pig, 'Let us have a joint venture. Un pollo le dijo a un cerdo: "Creemos una empresa conjunta. One of the reasons why it is happening is because of pig imports from emerging countries. The price of slaughter pig is following the seasonal downwards trend. The electorate, I am convinced, will not be forced to buy a pig in a poke. Especially problematic in the EU is Holland's pig and chicken economy.
The Commission has taken a number of measures to support the pig sector.
The pig industry is a jewel in the crown of agriculture in Northern Ireland. La industria del porcino es una joya en la corona de la agricultura de Irlanda del Norte. But they are asking for help. There are several ways in which our pig farmers could be helped.
Hay muchas maneras de ayudar a nuestros productores de porcino. My pig farmers do not want charity but they do want a chance. Mis productores de porcino no quieren caridades sino que les den una oportunidad.

We have witnessed this in the pig industry, the beef industry and the milk industry. You said that you were against regulating the pig market, Mr Fischler.

The second proof of our persecution is the crisis in pig-farming. In the case of the pig sector the export trade is also suffering because during the past two years the pig industry has check this out acute difficulties. Madam President, pig farmers are quite familiar with the phenomenon of yo-yoing prices, and it is not for nothing that we talk about pig cycles in economics. We should not buy a pig in a poke; we should vote on our report tomorrow and give these gentlemen the opportunity to think again. No podemos consentir que nos den gato por liebre. The remaining 2 million tonnes or so were used as pig swill and poultry feed. El resto de los aproximadamente dos millones how to say pig in spanish toneladas fueron utilizados como pienso para ganado porcino y aves.
For decades these leftovers have been used to produce a highly nutritious pig feed. Desde hace decenios se emplean para preparar alimentos de alta calidad para cerdos. Mr President, I think that you know everything there is to know about pig production in Bavaria. The legal basis for doing so already exists in the framework of the common market organisation for pig meat. Large sections of the pig and poultry industry in Belgium were affected at that time. Second, some products have been labelled as Halal despite containing pig as well as other animal proteins. This goes beyond the poultry industry: it is in the pig industry and in the red meat industry as well.

I myself am not sure I would be able to swallow a pork chop from a cloned pig or milk from a cloned cow. You cannot bring in regulations that are destructive and make pig and poultry farmers go out of business.

No puede pretender que a los ciudadanos europeos les den gato por liebre. To vote in favour of the directive would be like buying a pig in a poke. In this particular case, we have in a way been a guinea pig. En este caso concreto, hemos servido en cierto modo de cobayas.
We do not have a single Treaty, we are cooking a pig's ear.
The electorate, I am convinced, will not be forced to buy a pig in a poke. The private sector has been quick to spot the pig in a poke and has shown Galileo a clean pair of heels. El sector privado ha descubierto enseguida que le estaban dando gato por liebre y ha puesto pies en polvorosa.
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