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How to change youtube account to brand account

how to change youtube account to brand account

Whatever your reason, YouTube makes it easy to change the name of your YouTube channel. Note that you cannot change the name of your Google account. That means if your YouTube account is the name of your Google account, you have to change your YouTube channel to a branded account to change the name of your channel. This way, you can keep the name of your Google account and change the name of your YouTube channel without having to create a separate Google account. YouTube settings Before we can do anything, more info need to make sure that we are in YouTube settings. So navigate to YouTube, tap your profile icon in the top right, and then down to the Settings option.

Create a Brand Account

Click it. In the mobile app, this is a slightly fast process, whether on your phone or tablet. Just tap the YouTube app icon and click your user profile in the top right corner. Next, we can navigate to the text boxes where Google hopefully can change the name of our YouTube channel. Please proceed to the next step. If you notice, below this hyperlink, my Default Channel shows that my channel is named MsHeatherMosher which we have identified as part of this problem with the update to YouTube.

The Channel Icon and Name shows a change in the name. Click on Move Channel Your custom URL only on some occasionsall comments made by the channel, sent and received messages, automated filter community how to change youtube account to brand account, and verification badges will NOT be moved to your new channel. Now let me explain how to move your YouTube channel to a Brand Account step by step: 1.

What do I need to know before I start?

You need an existing YouTube account and you have to be signed in. Now you are ready to go. Of course, your new Brand account can have the same name as your former YouTube channel.

how to change youtube account to brand account

However, it makes sense to choose a different temporary channel name until you went through the whole conversion process and change the name in the very end. This will help to keep a better overview of where you are. How to change youtube account to brand account

How to change youtube account to brand account - happiness has

What makes a YouTube brand account special? What makes a YouTube Brand account different? The difference of having a standard YouTube channel and having a YouTube Brand Account is that with the latter you have the option to change owners and managers while a YouTube channel is always associated with a specific person and their email address. Custom YouTube Brand Channels are no longer available.

how to change youtube account to brand account

What do I need to know before I start? If your current YouTube channel is connected to your personal Google Account, you can move it to be connected to a new or an existing Brand Account.

What makes a YouTube Brand account different?

If you are not sure whether you already have a YouTube Brand Account go to www. By moving your YouTube channel to a YouTube Brand Account your existing videos, subscribers, viewsand interactions, as well as your channel-layout, will be transferred automatically. However, please note that some content cannot be moved.

How to change youtube account to brand account - congratulate, your

What is YouTube Brand Account? Is it important for businesses to create YouTube Brand Account? Here is everything about it that guides you from beginning to end. As a business, you must have a recognizable brand.

how to change youtube account to brand account

You are able to upload custom logos and change certain settings such as email notifications, billing information, etc. One of the perks of having your own official YouTube account is that you can create separate collections for individual social visit web page platforms like Facebook or Twitter and tweak your personalized theme on these different venues without losing all personal content on your YouTube page itself additionally since you own the account from scratch rather than inheriting it from someone else who may have gone defunct or inactive. The conversion is required because YouTube will be discontinuing channels. This change will no longer allow comments, uploads, and video replies on your existing channel as all that functionality was removed from Brand Accounts.

If your YouTube channel is associated with a business, a marketing manager uses the same account with a different email. Having how to change youtube account to brand account email for all correspondence helps to save time and prevents delays in command. Create the account by providing the required fields like name, email, and password, etc.

how to change youtube account to brand account

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