How did the spanish colonization begin in the philippines

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The U. What is the history of the Philippines summary? Today the Philippines is an archipelago of 7, islands. How colonization affects the literature of the Philippines?
Our literature are based of the people or group of people that conquered us like spaniards and japanese and others…. How did Spain colonized the Philippines? How has Spanish culture influenced the Filipino way of life? Particularly, the Spaniards introduced their own Philosophy of life to the Filipinos as well as their habits, language, clothing, ways of amusement including games, religion, arts, and even cooking. What are the negative effects of Spanish colonization to the Philippines? The Spanish colonization however had major negative impacts on the indigenous people that settled in Trinidad such as the decrease of the population, family separation, starvation and the lost of their culture and tradition.
What are the disadvantages of Spanish colonization in the Philippines? Throughout the colonization of the Philippines, the Spanish benefited economically from the Philippines but hindered the natives socially and through taxation. Two main ways that Spain was detrimental to How did the spanish colonization begin in the philippines was by improper taxation and the friars and priests enforcing religion, language, and social norms. Some of the positive effects were: universities were opened early.

In only the Philippines have improved in civilization, wealth, and Populousness. The establish of schools, many schools were built.

They taught them how to read, write, and speak in English. Forced Labor Called Polo, all male healthy and physically able between 16 and 60 were required how did the spanish colonization begin in the philippines render service for 40 days. The labor force collected were used on construction projects and on the construction and manning of ships in the shipyards for the galleon trade The Filipino labourers, called polistas, received the same treatment as slaves and thus they begin to develop a strong distaste for manual labor re-enforcing the apparent how to make my friends list on facebook of Filipinos to be indolent. The Philippines Under the Spanish Colonial Regime Essay Example One can be exempted from rendering forced labor by paying a fee called falla which only a few like the governadorcillos, canesa de brangay, and principalia can afford.
Brought considerable profit to the government. Led to rampant abuses by government officials to the natives e. Led to the decline of food production in some areas because farmers were compelled to plant tobacco only. The Galleon Trade Spanish authority closed trade relations with other countries and allowed only two countries, China and Mexico, to trade with the Philippines. Disrupted the growth and development of the Philippine economy because other European ships were barred from embarking their products in Manila. In addition, men conscripted from Peruwere also sent to settle Zamboanga City in Mindanao, to wage war upon Muslim defenders [52] There were also communities of Spanish-Mestizos that developed in Iloilo[53] Negros [54] and Vigan. They depended on the Galleon Trade for a living. In the later years of the 18th century, Governor-General Basco introduced economic reforms that gave the colony its first significant internal source income from the production of tobacco and other agricultural exports.
In this later period, agriculture was finally opened to the European population, which before was reserved only for indigenous Filipinos. During its rule, Spain quelled various indigenous revolts[56] as well as defending against external military challenges.
Settlers had to fight off the Chinese pirates who lay siege to Manila, the most famous of which was Limahong in Manilacapital of Spanish East Indies The two merchant galleons, the Encarnacion and Rosario, which were hastily converted to warships to meet the superior Dutch armada of 18 vessels during the battles of La Naval de Manila in artist's conception There were three naval actions how did the spanish colonization begin in the philippines between Dutch corsairs and Spanish forces inand The second battle is the most famous and celebrated of the three, with nearly even forces 10 ships vs 10 shipsresulting in the Dutch losing their flagship and retreating.
Only the third battle of resulted in a Dutch naval victory. Although the Spanish forces consisted of just two Manila galleons and a galley with crews composed mainly of Filipino volunteers, against three separate Dutch squadrons, totaling eighteen ships, the Dutch squadrons were severely defeated in all fronts by the Spanish-Filipino forces, forcing the Dutch to abandon their plans for an invasion of the Philippines. On June 6,Dutch vessels were sighted near Mariveles Island. In spite of the preparations, the Spanish had only one galleon the San Diego and two galleys ready to engage the enemy. The Dutch had twelve major vessels. On June 12, the armada attacked the Spanish port of Cavite. The battle lasted eight hours, and the Spanish believed they had done much damage to the enemy flagship and the other vessels.

The Spanish ships were not badly damaged and casualties were low. However, nearly every roof in the Spanish settlement was damaged by cannon fire, which particularly concentrated on the cathedral. On June 19, the armada was split, with six ships sailing for the shipyard of Mindoro and the other six remaining in Manila The Dutch next attacked Pampangawhere they captured the fortified monastery, taking prisoners and executing almost Filipino defenders.
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The governor ordered solemn funeral rites for the dead and payments to their widows and orphans. The Dutch had formed an alliance with an anti-Spanish king, Salicala.
How did the spanish colonization begin in the philippines Video
Spanish colonization - Period 1: 1491-1607 - AP US History - Khan AcademyHow did the spanish colonization begin in the philippines - you
The Bikol people have a writing tradition with roots in its ancient folkways.Colonization stifled native writing, however. Only after about two centuries later did the people begin to write poems and plays adapted from Biblical stories — this time in the Spanish writing system. These dramatic tropes were street presentations during May festivals, Christmas, Easter and Lent. Inthe first Bikol newspaper An Parabareta the Newsman was published by Mariano Perfecto, who also established the first printing press.

The first play says that the people accepted the faith but not the Spaniards; the second tries to localize the character Mary, humanize Herodes and make the coronation of Mary an occasion of revelry through two comic characters. Corridos or metrical romances became the main reading fare for many years. She is the first novel awardee of the U.
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