Fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube

They involve change in behavior. So we should look forward for another year at least of high and persistent inflation. WALLACE: But when you say "high-class problems," I think a lot of people would push back and say if it's costing me 40 percent more to fill up my tank of gas, if I want to get Christmas presents and I can't find them, that's not a high-class problem. One, massive demand for labor. So wages are starting to go up and are starting to go up meaningfully. Second, the reason why there is so fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube inflation is partly due to a lot of demand. There's a lot of purchasing power in the economy. That's a good thing. It is the click at this page side, the everything shortage, if you like, that is the problem.
And hopefully that can be addressed. But part of this inflation is good inflation, part is bad inflation. Is that a good idea at a time when the economy is overheated? The issue is how do we get supply to respond? And that's where that package comes in. Physical infrastructure, something that everybody agrees on, the more we can improve our infrastructure, the higher productivity, the more we can supply goods to the marketplace, and the more inflationary pressures come down. So I don't think there is much disagreement on that element of the package. Where there is disagreement is what's called "human infrastructure," and that is enhancing human productivity in order to bring more people into the labor fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube.
We have a problem of labor shortages. So I do think that if it's targeted well on the supply side, that fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube help with growth and that can help with inflation. But right now the argument is all on the demand side and that's why this thing is getting stuck. You brought up the American labor force. I want to drill down on that. Some 10, union workers at John Deere just went on strike rejecting a wage increase of 5 to 6 percent this year.
Some 4. How is all of that contributing to inflation and to supply chain problems? And when Republicans blame federal spending, that -- federal benefits, is that right, especially now that the enhanced unemployment benefits have expired? So that issue has been sorted out. What's not clear is what's keeping labor from coming in. And the more labor resists coming back into the labor force, the greater the bargaining power of people in the labor force. So we should expect more strikes going forward because workers now have greater bargaining power.
Why is that happening? Part of it is the excess demand from people looking to hire quickly because demand has come back. But part of that, Chris, is changed behaviors.

We feel that now we can negotiate higher wages without losing our jobs. We feel that we can go from one job to another and get sign-up bonuses and some people don't want to come back source the labor force. They have changed their views about work life balance.

WALLACE: I want to focus now on the backups in the supply chain, the dozens of huge container ships that are parked outside the harbors, in Los Angeles dozens of ships, also empty store shelves. How much of this -- and you touched on it before, but how much of this is excess demand, that there are people with money in their pockets who are trying to buy more, and how much of it are backups blockades in the supply system, when you've got problems at ports, at best amazon playlist for working out, truckers and -- the truckers and trains? One-third lots of demand. All of us want to buy. And the more we worry about shortages, the more we bring forward demand. Christmas is a perfect example. Tell people there won't be toys for Christmas, they'll start buying now. So they bring forward that demand. When your computer turns off and then comes back on, it doesn't come back on perfectly. It takes time for different things to start working again. You've got to sign in to your accounts again, you've got to open your e-mail again.
That's what's fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube to the global economy. When it started functioning again, it didn't start simultaneously. And then you had Delta come in that shut down ports around the world. And then the third element is under investment. For a long time we've under invested in our port facilities and that's now coming and biting us. There's -- what it can do about it.
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There's talk that fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube White House should lift regulations in various aspects of the supply chain. That it should lift some of the tariffs on Chinese goods that are raising prices more. There's talk about whether the Fed should raise interest rates or tighten the money supply. When you look at that panoply, that menu of options, what is it the government should do? What is it the government shouldn't do? First is the Fed. That made sense at the height of the emergency.
It doesn't make sense now. So they should ease off the pedal to the medal monetary stimulus. Two is, we've got to get productivity back up. That involves infrastructure. That involves human investments. Three, we've got to look very seriously check this out excess financial risk, because what's going to happen if we're not careful is inflation, as click here persists, will disrupt the financial markets that will then undermine the economy. And finally, we've got to get more people into the labor force. Chris, these things are feasible from an engineering perspective. What they require is political will to implement them.
Fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube the time we have left, what is your forecast for the holidays, which everybody are looking at a couple of months from now? Where are we going to be on both inflation and on supplies on our shelves, especially of holiday gifts? And what -- let me start that again, we're going to have to edit it. But here we go. Finally, what's your forecast for the holidays? Where are we going to be on inflation? Where are we going to fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube on supplies?
And how will all of this be reflected in the financial markets? So we're going to have more shortages of goods. We're going to have higher prices. Inflation will remain in the 4 to 5 percent level. And it's just going to take time to sort these things out, Chris. These things cannot be sorted out overnight. They were many years in the making and then COVID pressed fast-forward and got everything accelerated.
And that's where we are now. EL-ERIAN: I worry a little bit that this wonderful world we've been living in of low volatility, everything going up may come to a stop with higher volatility. But a lot depends on behavioral changes. If I were an investor, I would recognize that I'm riding a huge liquidity wave thanks to the Fed, but I would remember that waves tend to break at some point. So I would be very attentive. El-Erian, thank you. Thanks for joining us today. Interesting times ahead. Please come back, sir. WALLACE: Up next, we'll bring in our Sunday group to discuss whether in the midst of supply chain backups and serious inflation it's the right time for trillions of dollars more in government spending.

And it's time now for our Sunday group. So, Kristen, let me start with you, as our pollster, how damaging is this combination of supply chain problem and inflation, how damaging is that to Democrats? Is this -- are these the kinds of issues that voters are likely to blame them four? But you have a majority of Americans say that we're headed off fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube the wrong track. And, frankly, you have Republicans who the issue of the economy is one of the few issue that during the Trump era they used to hold an advantage on. And so you may have a lot of voters who are looking at what's going on now more info, look, I wanted to -- to turn the page, support Democrats, but now I've got rising prices.
I don't know if I can get Christmas presents for my kids. This isn't exactly what I signed up for. And that's going to give Republicans a big opening to make the case for why people should change leadership next Fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube. What can Joe Biden do to unkink the supply chain and curb inflation? If you take a look at the Real Clear Politics average, the president's approval on the economy is And it's getting worse. In September it wasend of the polls conducted this far in October, it's There are things that can be done, but why wasn't the administration doing it months ago.
They're going to probably start doing the things that they can do now, either jawboning or making some changes in regulations or providing some specialized assistance to the ports and to the logistics chain. But why didn't they begin it months ago because this has been an issue that has been growing and growing and on the public's mind.
And, as a result, I think it's -- it's one of the reasons why the president's approval among independents has dropped and dropped pretty dramatically. WALLACE: Mo, what about that argument that there seems to be focus on -- now, I know, task forces were set up months ago, but the -- the -- from the podium, the president and the press spokeswoman were just started focusing on it now.
What about the argument it's too little, too late? And, from day one, they have made that a top priority. They focused on this -- the relief plan. Then they immediately moved into infrastructure. And as your previous guests mentioned, infrastructure is a key component of dealing with the supply chain and inflation situation. So they've been on it for a while. We've seen some -- quite a bit of improvement in the economy since they came in. Wages are up.
Unemployment is down. But this is a key part of it. And they've got to continue to put their foot o the gas on it. So they're taking the steps. Whether nor not it's enough in time for political impact remains to be seen. On Friday, he talked about not the infrastructure part, but the big fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube and spend -- social spending part. Here's what he had to say. So the question is, how much of what is important do we get into the legislation? I'm in the view that it's important to establish the principle on a whole range of issues without guaranteeing you get the whole ten years.
Does it make more sense to do more things for a shorter period of time rather than what some Democrats are saying, which is cut -- cull the program and do more -- fewer things but for a longer period of time? The problem that Democrats have is that individually, things like childcare, things like paid leave, many of the things that are being talked about as being part of this bill are individually, relatively popular, but they've all been thrown in together into this big, massive, gargantuan bill that most people don't think is going to benefit them directly.
And so, as a result, the political upside of doing one versus another, I think the difference is negligible. I think Democrats have backed themselves into a problem here where individually something like infrastructure is very popular, et cetera, et cetera, but requiring it all to be tied together has created an absolute political mush that is not giving them any of the benefits I think they were hoping for. And so, meanwhile, there was some news over the weekend, and that is that Senator Joe Manchin, the 50th Democratic vote from West Virginia, says that he is going to oppose and block the centerpiece of President Biden's climate change part.
Wallace did not develop a relationship with his father Mike until the age of He first covered City Hall, during the time Kevin Fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube was mayor of Boston and later became a roving national reporter. That fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube year, how to get babysitting jobs at 17 also served as chief White House correspondent —anchor of the Sunday edition of NBC Nightly News —, —and moderator of Meet the Press — During President Ronald Reagan 's news conference in Marchwhen Reagan admitted to dealing arms for hostagesWallace asked Reagan why he had denied that Israel was involved with the arms sales to Iran "when you knew that wasn't true.
Sam DonaldsonABC's outgoing chief White House correspondent, said he was 'delighted' and 'very pleased' that Wallace, his journalistic rival, will be joining the network saying, 'I've always liked his work, I think he's going to be a plus. At the time, the Israeli government did not want to advertise where the Scuds landed, to prevent the Iraqis from making adjustments to their launchers.
On one episode of Nightline, Wallace started describing the location in Tel Aviv where a Scud missile landed.

Host Ted Koppel cut him off and asked him to point to a general area rather than give a specific location. Wallace along with Shepard Smith gained a reputation at FOX for their reputable status as journalists on the network. But I vote for the person, and I've voted for Republicans and Democrats and independents over the course of my life. I feel very strongly that you try not to let that affect the way you report the news. I have no idea what he thinks personally, but he asks tough questions of everybody. S leaders. This was the first time a Fox News anchor had moderated a general election presidential debate.
This is part of civics, the constitution, if you will, in action, because this is helping millions of people decide who we're going to elect as the next president". Afterwards, Jennifer Rubin in The Washington Post said that, despite her strong disapproval of other Fox News commentators, "No one could watch the final debate and deny that Chris Wallace is among the best in the business. Wallace questioned Putin about why so many of his political opponents end up dead, and sought to hand Putin papers containing fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube indictment of 12 Russian agents for interference in the election. Putin declined to touch the papers. Wallace described Ford's testimony as "extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible
Fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube - site
Wallace did not develop a relationship with his father Mike until the age of He first covered City Hall, during the time Kevin White was mayor of Boston and later became a fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube national reporter.That same year, he also served as chief White House correspondent —anchor of the Sunday edition of NBC Nightly News —, —and moderator of Meet the Press — During President Ronald Reagan 's news conference in Marchwhen Reagan admitted to dealing arms for hostagesWallace asked Reagan why he had denied that Israel was involved with the arms sales to Iran "when you knew that wasn't true. Sam DonaldsonABC's outgoing chief White House correspondent, said he was 'delighted' and 'very pleased' that Wallace, his journalistic rival, will be joining the network saying, 'I've always liked his work, I think he's going to be a plus. At the time, the Israeli government did not want to advertise where the Scuds landed, to prevent the Iraqis from making adjustments to their launchers.
On one episode of Nightline, Wallace started describing the location in Tel Aviv where a Scud missile landed. Host Ted Koppel cut him off and asked him to point to a general area rather than congratulate, is costco open today in melbourne mistaken a specific location. Wallace along with Shepard Smith gained a reputation at FOX for their reputable status as journalists on the network. But I vote for the person, and I've voted for Republicans and Democrats and independents over the course of my life.
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DOES KAYO HAVE Fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube NBA PLAYOFFS | Christopher Wallace (born October 12, ) is an American journalist, and television news anchor of the Fox News program Fox News nda.or.uge is known for his tough and wide-ranging interviews, for which he is often compared to his father, 60 Minutes journalist Mike Wallace.
As a teenager, Wallace became an assistant to Walter Cronkite during the Republican National Convention. May 25, · In a tweet just fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube few days after the January 6 U.S. Capitol insurrection, Bila said Trump lied about the election being stolen and in an April tweet she defended "Fox News Sunday" host Chris. Apr 28, · Start a Free Trial to watch FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace on YouTube TV (and cancel anytime). Stream live TV from ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, ESPN & popular cable networks. Cloud DVR with no storage limits. 6 accounts per household included. |
Fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube | Chris Wallace is the anchor of FOX News Sunday (FNS), Fox Broadcasting Company's Sunday morning public affairs joined FOX News Channel.
President Trump joins 'Fox News Sunday' to discuss the surge in coronavirus cases across the country, racial unrest, Joe Biden and Mary Trump's new tell-all. Fox Nation is an American subscription video streaming service and spin-off from Fox began as an opinion website operated by Fox News on March 30, On February 20,Fox announced that Fox Nation would transition in November to a streaming service that would feature alternative programming separate click Fox News. |
Fox news sunday with chris wallace youtube Video
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