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Why does your lips go purple

A study of smokers found that all of the in the study had lip and gingival pigmentation.

Trauma or injury. A bruise can form on one or why does your lips go purple lips following an injury. This can cause your lips to be partly or entirely purple or black. Dry, cracked, and severely damaged lips, including burns, can also turn lips dark. It can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin and lips, causing them to look dark or black on the inside and sometimes the outside. Spotted lips Discolored lips can include spotting, too. The causes of spotted lips range from harmless sunspots to spots that are a symptom of a medical condition. The possible causes include: Sunspots Sunspots are dark spots that develop on parts of the body that get the most sun exposure, such as the face and hands. These spots can also form on the lips and range in color from beige to dark brown. Who knew? Related Stories The 29 Best Sunscreens For Your Face So before you convince yourself that you have a serious medical condition, keep in mind that your lips are naturally more sensitive than the rest of your skin, and any dryness or peeling can likely be combatted with a few swipes of your favorite lip balm.

That being said, there are some other factors that could be causing your peeling lips, from diet to a more serious health condition.

Your diet consists of a lot of salty or spicy foods. Big fan of snacks like pretzels or chips? They could be the reason for your peeling lips. Salty foods, particularly those that have a lot of salt on the outside that can end up on the lips, can definitely effect the skin there, Dr. Another food trigger? Spicy snacks.

They can also cause skin irritation and water loss, Dr. Day adds. Treat it: Lay off some of the salty foods for a while and let your lips heal by using a paraffin-wax based lip balm. This is probably the worst thing you can do for dry lips, Dr. Treat it: Cool it with the lip licking.

Keep a lip moisturizer with you in your pocket, gym bag, etc. You fried your lips in the sun. Remember: Your lips are already missing that top later of skin with built-in UV protection. So if you're out in the sun without an SPF lip balm on, chances are the skin on your lips will peel.

Plus, the inflammation from a sunburn can leave your peeling as skin cells turn over and try to replenish. Treat it: You can rely on some of your typical sunburn remedies for chapped lips as well think: aloe and anti-inflammatory meds like Advil or Motrin. Your medication is drying out your lips.

Certain medications can easily cause dry, peeling lips. Friedman see more this is a common complaint for many of his clients using acne meds. Related Stories Dr. If that's the case, and you can't stop taking your medication any time soon, make sure to follow Dr.

Avoiding exposure to coldor dressing properly in warm clothing can help prevent blue lips from this cause. Altitude Sickness When living why does your lips go purple higher altitudes, such as when mountain climbing, altitude sickness is a risk. The air at higher altitudes has less oxygen, and a lack of oxygen can lead to cyanosis.

Altitude sickness can be serious, even fatal, but can be prevented by slowly acclimating to high altitudes. Severe altitude sickness is a medical emergency that is often treated by descending to a lower altitude, medications, and administering oxygen. Possible Illness-Related Causes Illness-related reasons for purple or blue lips can be serious, so it's important to seek medical attention to help identify and remedy the condition.

Raynaud's Phenomenon Sometimes also called Raynaud's disease or Raynaud's syndromethis condition causes a lack of blood flow to the extremities.

Why does your lips go purple blood is not flowing properly into the lips, it results in a lack of oxygen cyanosisand causes a blue or purple color. Raynaud's is treated by avoiding possible triggers: smoking, caffeine, certain medications, and exposure to cold. In many cases, Raynaud's is associated with another condition, and treating that underlying condition can help with symptoms such as purple lips. Asthma Asthma is a condition that causes inflammation in the lungs and results in the inability to breathe properly. During an asthma attack, the skin or lips may turn blue because of a lack of oxygen to the body. Asthma could be triggered by stress, cigarette smoke, exercise or allergens such as animal dander, pollen, or mold. Cyanosis is a sign of a severe asthma attack that needs immediate medical attention.

Treatment of asthma can include medications, as well as avoidance of potential triggers.

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