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Why does my iphone 11 not have dark mode on snapchat

why does my iphone 11 not have dark mode on snapchat

This functionality was added to the official Twitter app for iPhone and iPad devices. And most recently, Instagram has joined the dark party and made is so you can enable dark mode on Instagram from your iOS settings. I really wish Instagram and other popular social media can also implement this feature into their app, especially you, Snapchat. Ok, before I move on, I want to bring something up really quick.

Getting dark mode to happen in Snapchat means your iPhone has to be jailbroken, or your Android phone has to be rooted. The next window will give you two options; Smart Invert and Classic Invert.

why does my iphone 11 not have dark mode on snapchat

Choose one to get the desired results. Note: This will invert colors on all the apps and not Snapchat alone. Should you put Snapchat on dark mode? I prefer using it, especially for apps I know I use often. I hope the steps mentioned above will serve your purpose until Snapchat rolls out the new feature for everyone. Also, consider updating your Snapchat app before attempting to enable the feature.

why does my iphone 11 not have dark mode on snapchat

You would like to read these posts as well:. Please Note: Dark Mode is rolling out slowly and may not be available to you just yet!

why does my iphone 11 not have dark mode on snapchat

Update 14 August 06 IST pm: An individual shared a video on YouTube detailing a way to get dark mode working on the Snapchat app, however, it involves downloading a practically ancient version of the app. Thanks for reaching out!

Does Snapchat even have a dark mode? Yes it does. Here's how to get it working on your app.

Certain features roll out at different times. Could this mean that the dark mode feature is rolling out to users? It seems Snapchat developers are really struggling with implementing the dark theme on Android. But while that was a fun addition, dark mode is still hidden away. However, third-party apps may lead to a breach of your account, hence, proceed with caution. Hi, Dark Mode is rolling out slowly and may not be available to you just yet!

Source Of course, support agents are tied to canned responses most of the time.


Nevertheless, we hope this statement does not turn out to be true. So well, nothing new to see here, again. Hence, it appears you will have to resort to the various workarounds shared above until the real deal is available.

Why does my iphone 11 not have dark mode on snapchat Video

How To Get Dark Mode On Snapchat (iPhone \u0026 Android) But since last year, they've been rolling out dark mode to more and more iPhone users. Why does my iphone 11 not have dark mode on snapchat

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