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How long have you been learning english which tense

how long have you been learning english which tense

How long has she lived here? This pattern has the same meaning as above. We usually use this when we want to emphasize that an action or event has continued without stopping at all. It is more common to use this with short-term activities or actions. How long have they been arguing? How long has he been sleeping at his desk? How long has he been sitting there? How long has she been crying? How long have they been secretly dating? How many days have you been traveling?

How many months have you worked here?

Make the present perfect continuous

How many hours has she been watching TV? How many years have you attended this university? How many hours have you spent playing video games in your life? Bonus Tips and Points 1. We can also make these questions with adjectives, nouns, and prepositional phrases. How long has she been a doctor? How long have you been a salesman? How long has the dog been sick? Now, we form the present perfect continuous with the subject plus have or has and the present participle why does my backup camera work intermittently the main verb. Here are some examples: Finn Jack has been working hard.

Catherine We usually put just and already between have or has and the past participle. Catherine But time expressions usually go after the main verb. Catherine And we're talking about the present perfect continuous. Neil We use it to talk about an activity that started in the past and is continuing now or has recently finished.

how long have you been learning english which tense

Catherine And we often use it with the adverbs just and already, and with other time expressions like recently and lately. Neil Time for our quiz. Number one. Which is correct? The chicken only needs another fifteen minutes. Catherine And that's a because the chicken is still cooking. Neil That's correct. Number 2. Amy has been riding a bicycle since she was three years old. The butterflies have been migrating for a month. Her chair has been standing outside since last night. The formula is just a guideline.

how long have you been learning english which tense

Following the Formula Without a verb ending in -ing Her chair has been standing outside. Her chair has been left outside. They have been waiting at the door. They have been at the door. The cat has been lying on the couch.

how long have you been learning english which tense

The cat has been on the couch.

How long have you been learning english which tense Video


How long have you been learning english which tense - seems

How long will he stay here? How long will he wait? How long will you write? How long will Ram play? How long will it take? How long will it type?

how long have you been learning english which tense

How long will they read? How long will they write? How long have you been learning english which tense

Apologise: How long have you been learning english which tense

HOW TO DELETE MY PERMANENTLY BANNED TIKTOK ACCOUNT How long + have + (you, they, I, we) + been + verb + ing? 1. How long have they been playing? 2.

Questions with HOW LONG :

How long have you been waiting? 3. How long have you been reading? 4. How long have they been sleeping? 5. How long have I been writing? 6. How long have I been singing?

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7. How long have I been working? 8. How long have they been standing? 9. Perfect progressive tenses generally express how long an action has been happening. The Everyday Grammar team has some tips to make these tricky. A) I've been studying English for four years." Note - You can just say "For four years." Q) How long have you been living in Germany? A) I've been living here since Note - You can just say "Since ". The present perfect continuous is also used to refer to an event that may or may not be finished when it's effect can be seen now.

Learn English Grammar


How long have you been learning english which tense How long + have + (you, they, I, we) + been + verb + ing? 1. How long have they been playing? 2. How long have you been waiting? 3. How long have you been reading? 4. How long have they been sleeping? 5. How long have I been writing? 6. How long have I been singing? 7. How long have I been working? 8. How long have they been standing? 9. A) I've been studying English for four years." Note - You can just say "For four years." Q) How how long have you been learning english which tense have you been living in Germany? A) I've been living here since Note - You can just say "Since ". The present perfect continuous is also used to refer to an event that may or may not be finished when it's effect can be seen now.

For. Answer (1 of 5): I would say that “How long have you been learning English for?” is correct English. Just click for source you say omitting “for” in “How long have you been learning English?” the “for” is actually an unspoken word. Like would you like a (cup of) coffee? Where the cup of is unspoken. Some would al.

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