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Who will win 2020 election astrology

who will win 2020 election astrology

Winning the most votes does not always mean you win the election. Donald Trump astrology: Donald Trump could be in for another four years as president Image: Getty Donald Trump astrology: What does astrology say about the election? We might not have a magic crystal ball to reveal the future, but Express.

who will win 2020 election astrology

Francesca says she thinks Mr Trump really might win it again! A particularly unfavorable period for artists, culture, show businessmen and luxury goods dealers. Jupiter opposition Venus A period of failure and loss, disappointment in business and social activities.

who will win 2020 election astrology

Lack of success in business contacts, trade, show business, arts and crafts. This aspect has only been observed twice in a year cycle, and mistakes you make may be felt in the future. Laziness, excessive desire for pleasure and luxury, monetary costs and troubles caused by financial extravagance and wastefulness. You may be characterized by insincerity and excessive sensitivity, which brings you down in contacts — business and personal. You run the risk of bad taste, so avoid social and social events.

A load of legal inconsistencies and problems.

who will win 2020 election astrology

Business trips will not work out well: they will not pay off, and the benefits will be minimal. Obstacles in business with foreign and distant partners. Bad day for communication with social and cultural organizations. Doubtful prospects or lack of prospects. In work — unproductiveness, impossibility to fulfill their duties and obligations. Venus source Neptune Stimulation of aesthetic inclinations and creativity. This transit does not have a significant impact on the business sphere, but you should avoid exposure to emotions and unrealistic projects, as financial mistakes and miscalculations are possible, as well as veiled deception and fraud, intrigue and slander. A good day for a trip, for contacts with foreign and distant partners. An interest in culture and art may have an impact on your business or day-to-day activities.

The day is, in principle, favorable for secret affairs or work in solitude. Venus square Mercury Difficulties in business and who will win 2020 election astrology communication, in contact with the right people. You tend to keep your opinions to yourself to avoid trouble and disagreement. You are too sensitive to outside influences and to the opinions of other people. Better to pause business communication and activity. You may receive bad news, distorted or unnecessary information. The day is not suitable for claiming your rights, seeking help and financial support. You are absent-minded and this web page biased, you can make the wrong decision. Unnecessary expenses and losses. Gossip and idle who will win 2020 election astrology interfere with work.

Unpleasant visits.

Also, Mars, ruler of 10th House is in 9th House suggesting that he is damaging his own career. Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn in 7th House indicate a strong and open opposition and difficulty in winning over an opponent. All this will help you in the successful progress of the started business. Quite modest, but important for you, professional and material progress is possible. Promising relationships who will win 2020 election astrology with influential people, patrons.

It is a good time both to consolidate the achieved success and to start large projects, open enterprises and conclude long-term commercial transactions, and sign contracts. You can start drawing up a work plan, further actions, lay an ideological and material foundation. The Page of Cups seeks to bring people together, enjoy the world around him, and revitalise flagging or jaded energies. America needs hope for the future, a promise of better times ahead, and someone who they feel has their best interests, collectively and individually, at heart.

What would Joe Biden bring in the next four years? For many Americans, returning to a Democrat majority IS that dream come true. Big time. As is often the case with this transit, it can feel as though someone who will win 2020 election astrology something is standing right in the middle of the path, blocking the way. Biden is also still under the influence of Pluto opposing his natal Jupiter. This makes it difficult to achieve goals, and brings others to stand in the way. Legal battles are also usually promised with this aspect, that end in failure. By Solar arc direction Mars will be making a trine to his natal Neptune, this is a mirror of the transit mentioned above.

This signals a time for relaxation, vacations, and taking a break. It is not usually an ideal time to take on extra responsibilities.

This represents a time where life changes in ways that give us more fulfillment, lessens our workload, and allows us to spend more time at home. This does not bode well for new jobs and being seen in a positive public light. Mercury also makes a square to his natal Jupiter in the 8th of endings. Inauguration Day The chart of inauguration day is a tense one. Mars and Uranus are conjunct, which is a sign of rebellion, which sits close to the ascendant on the 12pm chart in Washington DC.

No matter who wins and yes I will get to that soonthe day will be tense, explosive protests, and the possibility of military intervention. The Moon is void of course in Aries. This emotional limbo is uncomfortable, and many will not be able who will win 2020 election astrology truly understand how they are feeling.

This is particularly auspicious as he would take the oath of office again, which is indeed a renewed commitment. The opposition to the midheaven illustrates power and transformation in terms of his career. To the 12th house, we can expect this to be not only life changing, but transformative for generations to come. From January 19th — 21st Trump will be experiencing a very powerful astrological event called a peak period in zodiacal releasing. This peak period is ruled by Taurus, which rules his career. This indicates luck and a magnifying glass like energy focused on this just click for source of his life.

He had the same one during his inauguration in January also begins a monthly astrological profection Profections are a time Lord System for Venus and Taurus.

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