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How to translate safari page into english on mac

how to translate safari page into english on mac how to translate safari page into english on mac

That's because it translates in-line, replacing all text on the foreign-language site. It replaces every word, but it matches all fonts perfectly. Purely anecdotally, we can also say that the translation seems extremely good.

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It's not a straight word-for-word lookup where, say, it just changes the French "maintenant" into the American English "now. There is also that while this feature is sometimes described as being able to translate entire sites, really it's usually able to do one page at a time. That would hardly be unreasonable, and it's quick enough to click that Translate to English button each time you go into a new page. Yet it could be better, it's supposed to be, and just sometimes, it is. While AppleInsider has only occasionally seen this, Apple says that if you have translated a page and then go to another one on the same site, it will be translated too.

In fact, Safari is supposed to keep on translating everything how to translate safari page into english on mac you visit a different site — and that new site isn't in the same language. If you've been reading one French site and then go to another, how to translate safari page into english on mac example, the new site should be translated too. That's yet to happen more than a couple of times for AppleInsider, but if it does become the norm, it's adding a great feature on top of an already excellent one. How it works and why that matters Safari's translation does require an internet connection. There's no option to use it offline as you can with the Translate app in iOS The translation appears to be much more intelligent than a simple word-for-word dictionary lookup Apple says that as soon as it has sent the contents of your site to its servers, and performed the translation, the page is discarded.

It will turn Green. Tap on Done. If you wish to use the translator quite often, then drag the app into the front of your screen for quick access. Now, we will learn how to set your preferred language in Microsoft Translator app that will help you to convert any language in your own language. Open the Microsoft Translator app. At the bottom right corner tap the Settings icon. Tap on the Safari Language Translation. Choose and select the preferred language. Now everything is set to work. Now, we will see how you can translate webpages in Safari.

Follow the below steps: 1.

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Open Safari browser on your device. Visit the web page you wish to translate. At the bottom of your screen, tap the Share button.

how to translate safari page into english on mac

It only appears for a second after the page fully loads, but if you're quick enough, you can tap that button. If you have multiple supported languages in Settings, when you tap the translate button, the action sheet will appear where you can choose the language to convert to. If you don't have any other supported languages beyond your primary one, it will just convert it to the primary one. Continuing with the Translation Once you tap on a translate option, no matter which option above you used, you'll see get a pop-up asking if you want to enable translation — if this is your first time using the feature. According to Apple, "the address and contents of how to translate safari page into english on mac webpage will be sent to Apple to process the translation," but it also mentions that the content is not stored or retained by Apple.

If you tap on "Learn More," you can read more about the feature and how it works. Tap on "Enable Translation" from the pop-up or from the Webpage Translation details screen to translate the webpage to the other language. After enabling translation the initial time, from then on, you can simply use Option 1 or Option 2 above to translate without the pop-up appearing anymore.

Whenever you're viewing a translation, the "AA" button will stay as the translate button to read more you know it has been translated.

how to translate safari page into english on mac

The more you use the feature, the better it will work in Safari. If you tend to translate webpages on a particular website, you may see them automatically translate in the future so that you don't have to do it manually.

how to translate safari page into english on mac

Viewing the Original Langauge Again To translate an already translated webpage back to its original language, simply tap on the translate button in the Smart Search field, then tap on "View Original. Adding More Preferred Languages to Translate To If the "Translate Website" option appears, you can choose from one or several language options, but only if they're added as a preferred language. To add secondary languages, tap on the "Translate Website" option, and select "Preferred Languages. Next, you'll see all of your preferred languages, if you have any set. If you don't have that section, tap "Other Languages" at the top.

How to translate safari page into english on mac - read this

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To place graphics is also referred to as import images and insert pictures. However, pasting Illustrator graphics allows you to edit paths in InDesign. See Importing Adobe Illustrator graphics. The options available to you when you place a graphics file depend on the type of graphic.

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How to translate safari page into english on mac Video

How do you translate a page in Safari on Mac? Click the current "Translate To" language in the drop-down menu, then click in the resulting drop-down menu the language to which you want to translate the webpage. Hold down Shift as you click Open or Shift-double-click a filename. How to translate safari page into english on mac

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