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How to see youtube on apple watch

how to see youtube on apple watch how to see youtube on apple watch

Position the back of your Apple Watch on the charger. The charger's magnets align your Apple Watch, and you'll see the battery charging icon on your watch face. Give your Apple Watch time to charge. While your device is charging, your Apple Watch goes into Nightstand mode. If you have Apple Watch Series 7, you can charge your watch quickly with fast charging.

how to see youtube on apple watch

Optimized battery charging watchOS 7 and later allow your Apple Watch to learn from your daily charging habits and improve the lifespan of your battery. Now that you are on the "Search Results" page, highlight the icon labeled "Video" of a YouTube result that may work for your search query.

Videos, Music and Live Streams

To access the video, use your index finger to press down on the icon. This will display any accompanying information for the video. Begin the quick play options by tapping the "Play" icon for the selected video. After you have selected the video you want by tapping on it, it should begin playing. Tap the screen while the video is playing.


A creator you follow raves about a video they loved on Twitter. You discover a Reddit thread filled with gems. And so that video is lost in the oblivion that is your browser history. What if you could bookmark web videos from everywhere and come back to them whenever you wanted? Vookmark makes that possible. The extensions are used for bookmarking videos. It also turned off notifications for all of the people I was subscribed to with notifications, and when I tried to fix it, it turned off my notifications for them again. I tried fixing it again and again, but nothing worked. There are still times when it works, but not often.

So I beg you, please fix these things.

Press the side button

Especially the comments.

How to see youtube on apple watch - something

Now the comment section is. The movement to scroll makes a lot more sense than requiring me to tap to expand. Please stop trying to move the comment section can you?

What is blood oxygen

It works well and is a nice quality app. I have a few problems though, and it has to do with the subscription tab. No big deal, but if I click it to make the blue dot go away, then go back to a different tab such as the home it will put the blue dot back. But there is one significant exception — you can play videos embedded in SMS and iMessages. Here's how to do it. How to use the Blood Oxygen app Make sure that you meet the below requirements and follow the steps to set up the Blood Oxygen app.

how to see youtube on apple watch

How to see youtube on apple watch

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