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How to say you in french plural

how to say you in french plural

What do you say? Comment allez-vous? The key is the et vous and youwhich prompts a similar answer. Grammar The first thing to note is the word vous you. When in doubt, use vous not tu. Now, look at aller to go. Finally, we use a hyphen to invert the subject and verb of the question to avoid an awkward est-ce que. There is a dog. There is a boy. As you can see, if you want to pluralize un or une, then you will use des.

How to form the plural of french nouns

Example Sentences When to Use Les and Des The final section of this lesson on when to use les and des is about seeing them in action. This is used with family and friends as well as children, and older people sometimes use it to address younger people. Comment vas-tu? The words tu and vous both mean you. A common misconception is that "tu is used for talking to children and vous for talking to adults" or "tu is for friends and vous is for strangers". Keeping this in view, how do you ask for tu in French?

About plural in French

Finally, you will find some common everyday sentences. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar. That way it will be easy for you to see the words when they are separate and when they are in a sentence.

How to say you in french plural Video

How to Say \ Finally, another two exceptions are worth how many views on youtube to get money in india.

If you want to stay into the thematic before the next lesson, check out now our lesson about verb agreement! Une nuit sans lune.

That: How to say you in french plural

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How to say you in french plural How to say you in French. you.

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French Translation. toi. More French words for you. vous pronoun.

how to say you in french plural

ye. tu pronoun.

how to say you in french plural

With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for you [plural] and thousands of other words. You can complete the translation of you [plural] given by the English-French Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos.

How to say you are in French. you are. French Translation. tu es. More French words for you are. vous êtes phrase. you are. tu es phrase.

How to say you in french plural

How to say you in french plural - consider

But what about null, decimal and fractional quantities? For a fractional quantity, the rule applies : the choice depends if the fraction is bigger than 2 or not. If she had children, she could have one, or more, hence both singular and plural are correct.

If there were stars, there would undoubtedly be more than one, so singular is wrong. Une nuit sans lune. If the moon was there, she would obviously be the only one, hence plural is how to say you in french plural accepted. Finally, another two exceptions are worth stating.

Une ou deux heures suffiront. Did you know?

how to say you in french plural

How to say you in french plural - opinion, you


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