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Florida Panther Facts You can stop the abuse. Bhagavan Antle who calls himself Doc Antlethe person you will most often see promoting this shameful practice, has gone to great lengths to stop us and the brave young girl who created the video at the bottom of the page, from letting you know the truth. Visit her YouTube site HERE and let her know you appreciate what she is doing to prevent the future breeding of ligers and tigons.
When you see ligers in the news or on TV, write the station and let the reporters know the truth about hybrids. You can send 5 letters at once to the media of your choice through our online email system at CatLaws.

See real photos of ligers below. Read about the conviction of those involved in canned hunts in the US. They excuse their behavior by making the case that ligers and tigons are not protected by the Endangered Species Act. Now you know why so many of these sleazy back yard breeders are trying to produce more of them.

The ONLY reason anyone breeds ligers is to create a freak that simple minded people will pay to see. Ti-tigons speak tiger. Now thanks to a cameo in the cult movie Napoleon Dynamite, the liger has leaped into the limelight, prompting fans to ask, What are they really like?
Liger in the Hills Spirit of the Hills Wildlife Sanctuary in Spearfish, South Dakotarecently acquired a liger named Samson and 48 other big cats after federal authorities closed a Minnesota wildlife facility.
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