How to translate text in an excel cell

Step 7: Go to the Translator and enter the formula you want to convert. Step 8: Now click on the down arrow key to convert. Step 9: Now, it will convert the formula to the selected language. You can select any language available under the usage language section.
We can sort all the formulas A to Z under toggle sorting. Once the language is selected, we can see the formula name in other languages as well as the English language. Under the dictionarywe can search for the function that we want. You need an internet connection to work with these excel function translator. There are 51 languages available in excel, and you can convert the function to any of them with the description in the selected language. Recommended Articles This is a guide to Translate in Excel. Click the warning sign and select Convert to Number. Convert text into number by changing the cell format Another quick way to convert numerical values formatted as text to numbers is this: Select the cells with text-formatted numbers. method does not work in some scenarios. For example, if you apply the Text format to a cell, enter a number, and then change the cell format to Number, the cell will remain formatted as text. To fix numbers formatted as text with Paste Special, how to translate text in an excel cell what you do: Select the text-number cells and set their format to General as explained above.
Copy a blank cell. Select the cells you want to convert to numbers, right-click, and then click Paste Special. Click OK. If done correctly, your values will change the default alignment from left to right, meaning Excel now perceives them as numbers. Convert string to number with Text to Columns It is another formula-free way to convert text to number in Excel. While the Functions Translator supports all languages that Microsoft has localized Excel functions to, you can only operate with one pair at the time.

Any combination of languages is possible, and Excel will remember your choice. The language pair can be changed at any time through the Preferences pane, which is accessible from any of the add-in's main panes. By default, the From and To language will be pre-populated with English as the From language and the Excel Install language as the To language. If your install language is one of the languages we have localized for the Functions Translator, the user interface will display in the localized language. Click Start Working when you have selected your language pair. We are using the concept of To and From in the translator.
To is the language that you know, From is the language that you want to find. So if you were researching lookup functions in English, but needed the French function names then you would set the From language to English, and the To language to French. Preferences You can activate the Preferences pane by clicking the settings wheel at the bottom of any of the three main panes. Besides providing various links that may be of interest, you can also change your To and From languages from here at any time.
Clicking the Left arrow at the top of the pane brings you back to the main pane. If you're not sure which category a function belongs to, you can choose the All option. By default, the functions are sorted alphabetically by the From column, in this case English, and shown here with a small down arrow next to the word English. You can sort alphabetically, reverse alphabetically, and you can chose to sort on either the From or To language.

Just click on the language you want to sort by, and click on the name again to reverse sort. The arrow indicates the sort direction. Clicking on a function name in either column will bring you to the Dictionary pane, which will show the function with a short description. The Dictionary Pane The Dictionary pane enables you to search for any part of a function name by displaying all functions that contain the letters you entered.
For performance reasons, search won't populate any results until you have entered at least two letters.

Search will be in the language pair you have selected, and returns results for both languages. Once search has returned the function name you want, you can click on it, and the language pair and function definition will be displayed.
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