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How to say hi how are you in spanish

how to say hi how are you in spanish

Vor 4 years Learn the most useful phrases in Spanish to express how you feel. Are you tired?

Are you sick? Are bored? Are you upset? Learn 10 Spanish phrases to ask "How are you? In this lesson, you will learn the topmost practical, Vor 5 Hello everyone, in today's lesson we will learn different Spanish answers when someone asks you "how are you? Vor 4 years In this lesson, you'll learn 10 Responses to "How are you? There are two ways to ask age in Spanish.

how to say hi how are you in spanish

Vor 3 years Hello moms! Here I teach you how to say "Where are you going? Vor 3 years I will teach the words you need to ask all the questions in Spanish. Be sure to make the H silent and pronounce it as o la. This short and simple phrase is used not article source in Spain, but in any Spanish speaking country so remember this four letter word and you will be able to quickly strike up a conversation. This is a more formal way to say hi to someone before noon and again is a very common phrase used in Spanish speaking countries. Just another formal way to say hello instead of Hola.

how to say hi how are you in spanish

Usually this would be a goodbye greeting, but in Spanish speaking countries it can also be used as a way to say hello. Friends will often use this phrase instead of saying hola.

More Information on How To Say Hello in Spanish Greetings always seem to be the first thing people try and learn before traveling abroad. We use it to greet our friends, and not someone you just met. We say Hi this way to someone we are romantically involved with. This is the most common use. However, you can also use it for a very close friend, or best friend. Love can mean many things, so some people use it to say Hi to a friend they love most in life. We use it to say Hi to anyone we know from before. It can be just one person, or a group of people. It can be used how to say hi how are you in spanish any situation like that.

It means you are very happy about the day, and you want to make that clear. Since Monday is the start of the week, and if it goes well maybe the rest will too. You can use it with any name, but you are asking a person to say hi to someone else for you. This can be for a very close friend, or significant other.

how to say hi how are you in spanish

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