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How do you delete comments off instagram live

how do you delete comments off instagram live how do you delete comments off instagram live

Now you can download videos you want to watch and view them without any comments or flurries of emojis. Click the download icon to the right. Open the zip file that downloads. Double-click on the file therein to view the video. However, if you want to turn on inappropriate comments, you can do so. To filter out comments on the Instagram app for Android and iOS devices: Go to your profile and tap the Hamburger icon. Tap Settings. Tap next to Hide Offensive Comments to turn it on.

Tap next to Manual Filter to turn it on. Enter specific words, phrases, numbers, or emojis in the text box to filter out comments.

how do you delete comments off instagram live

Can you undelete an Instagram comment? Once a comment is deleted, it remains so.

At this time, there is no way to recover deleted Instagram comments. How to hide comments on Instagram If deleting an Instagram comment seems a little too final, there is another option. You can hide your Instagram comments altogether. Can you hide a comment on your Instagram post? There are a couple of options for hiding comments on an Instagram post. The first thing you can do is set up your automatic filter.

Turning this feature on will allow Instagram to hide any comments it deems inappropriate or offensive. Press the person icon at the bottom-right corner of the page to navigate to your profile. Press the three horizontal lines at the top-right corner of the page.

Press the Hide Offensive Comments toggle. On that same page within your settings, you also have the option to hide any comments that contain specific words of your choosing. Type the words you want to filter, separating each new word with a comma. And finally, the last thing you can do is restrict a specific user on Instagram from commenting on your photos. Press the three horizontal dots at the top-right corner of the page.

Press Restrict. Press Restrict again to confirm. How to disable comments on Instagram If you decide that you would rather not worry about comments at all on your post, you can simply disable them. Turning off Instagram comments essentially prevents anyone from commenting on a specific post. Locate the post for which you want to disable comments. Press the three horizontal dots on the top-right corner of the screen. By using Restrict to delete comments and read messages from their cyberbullies undetected, people can avoid escalating the situation, the press release explained. In lots of cases, according to the press release, young people are hesitant this web page take any action that could make a cyberbully retaliate, and that's particularly true, for example, if they see that bully in school each day.

If you're interested in putting Instagram's how do you delete comments off instagram live Restrict feature to work once it rolls out, there are a few easy steps you can take. And if you're dealing with a cyberbully, they'll be none the wiser once the comments are hidden.

However, since Restrict is a test for now, it's possible not all users will have access to the feature right away.

how do you delete comments off instagram live

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