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Will apple stock continue to go up

will apple stock continue to go up

24 hours forecast


Will apple stock continue to go up - were

The bid under Apple's stock probably reflects several factors. First, Apple got the bulls excited on Tuesday by sending out a save-the-date reminder via email for a Sept.

will apple stock continue to go up

But, Apple could also surprise everyone with a new piece of streaming-centric hardware much lower probability, however. Meantime, while the invite today suggests a large focus on streaming Apple is widely expected to unveil its latest suite of iPhones.

will apple stock continue to go up

Apple analysts on Wall Street are very bullish on what could be the iPhone 13, but also strong continuing demand for the 5G capable iPhone 12 series. Story continues [Read more: Apple to launch new iPhone 13 at Sept. Chatterjee raised his sales volume estimates for Apple, and acknowledged "substantial" upside exists from those raised projections. Stocks turning up in the middle of a horizontal trend are therefore considered to be potential runners.

will apple stock continue to go up

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