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Why is facebook not opening up

why is facebook not opening up

2 Methods to Fix the Facebook Web Version Not Loading on iPhone/iPad


Why is facebook not opening up

Why is facebook not opening up - remarkable

Chosen Solution Hello, Have you run any anti-virus software to make sure that there isn't any viruses on your computer? Also, do you have any content filters set up which might be blocking Facebook by accident?

Do you have any cookie blockers which might prevent you from accessing facebook? Or are any cookie blocked in Firefox's settings??

why is facebook not opening up

Is java script enabled? Check by going to about:config, type in javascript. Thanks for your time, and for you to answer any of these questions! Hello, Have you run any anti-virus software to make sure that there isn't any viruses on your computer?

Why is facebook not opening up - right!

Close and reopen the app Is Facebook not working only for you?

why is facebook not opening up

Then you have to start looking at local issues. Sometimes apps can go out of whack, and something as simple as closing the app or website, and reopening it, might fix the issue. It may also help to log out and log back in.

why is facebook not opening up

This should resync everything and move the cogs back into place. Check for app updates Sometimes having an older version of an application may cause issues.

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Head over to the Google Play Store or any app store you use and check for any available updates. You should probably try restarting the router too. So, just switch to some other Wi-Fi networks if possible.

why is facebook not opening up

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