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Why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore

why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore

Worrying about it is bound to drive anyone insane. It's not making you happy. Watch this videoreflect on it, then think about deleting your profile. Seriously, if you have been driven to ask this question, you've clearly spent a lot of time thinking about this and twisting yourself up about it. No-one has 'friends'. Seeking attention why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore an enormous mass of people who would have little to no reason to be connected with you if Facebook didn't exist is a recipe for feeling down on yourself.

Or I might delete it. Whatever, really, it's just a website. I will get back to your post when I have thought it out, but thanks for your honesty : bearette: I have mentioned in my original post that I don't muse like this on FB. In fact, I don't update everyday - just from time to time. It's hard to explain without you actually seeing my Facebook. May I ask, however, how I appear overbearing? Thank you. That's why it bothers me too that there's no reciprocity. I have been trying too hard, Go here suppose. Judith Bulteran Jihad: Not necessarily.

Many of my college friends are using Picnik - it's the "trend" these days. DoubleHappy: True, true - there could be some factors, such as my friends not seeing my updates in their feed, being too busy, etc. It's just that it's been commonplace for such a long time, that it's became frustrating. We do talk in person as well. This issue has been going on for literally years, and it's only now that I have finally talked about it. However, the people who I deleted were people I never talked to anymore, or who never bothered to connect with me. Maybe that's what it's like in my "circle", too? Sad, huh? I'm talking maybe status updates a week, and maybe 2 photo albums why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore a week.

why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore

In that case, you need new friends. That kind of shit is unpleasant, unnecessary and just serves to make everyone miserable. Or are you really just finding it difficult to make true close friends, and seeing all this interaction is evidence that your supposedly close friends are closer with other folks? In which case: Making close friends is easier to do away from Facebook. Go and invite someone out for a coffee instead. Try getting a time consuming hobby that involves interacting with people, away from Facebook. Then you'll be interacting with people regularly in an appropriately reciprocal fashion, and you'll probably care less about what the people do on Facebook. Oh, and nobody else is looking at how popular you are on Facebook, or how many comments you get. They are all too busy worrying about how popular they are on Facebook.

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I think we're starting to get to the actual problem here. Just to pull one thread out of that and hey, I'm long past college age so I could be wrongbut isn't the best way to make friends at college to get out from behind the screen and go do stuff in the real world? It's my sense that college students find out about what is going on in the real world from Facebook. Without it, they don't have an easy way to find out what is going on on campus. Maybe the OP should think about using Facebook as a way to get updates about source and make plans rather than the way he's using it now, which is causing him to feel bad. Facebook can be used a lot of ways. It's just a matter of finding the best way for you. Yeah, also, here don't 'have' to do anything.

When I ditched Facebook, I started emailing and calling my family and friends again. That worked fine.

why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore

The world didn't end. Whenever I have something in my life that is becoming emotionally draining and difficult to manage, I ask myself, what's the worst that could happen if I stop doing this? Also, what is stopping doing this going to allow me to do. Install this extension on your browser, if it's Firefox, or find an equivalent one. Whitelist everything but Facebook. Hide the icon. At the end of a normal week, check how much time you spent staring at Facebook, seething because people haven't commented. Then think about how you could use that time. Studying for one. Going out and meeting people for another. Then watch the video upthread again and take the plunge. The world will not end if you delete your Facebook account.

The truth is, I didn't participate alot in events and parties up to my last year of college, so I'm trying to make up for lost time. I wasn't in the popular fraternity on campus, as well, and I do kind of regret that. I know that makes me sound like a wannabe, but I have never experienced what it's truly like to be "popular" and I was hoping Facebook could change that. It hasn't. Examples of posts they "like": How to crush the competition.

Earning that first million before turning Latest in sales trends. Successful entrepreneurship. Topping the corporate tower. Scientific or technical developments. New ideas and inventions. Political debates. Integrated-Collective Consciousness This is the minority group, and so by definition, the least common or popular. Your tweet might as well not exist, because no one saw it. I call this the Instagram Effect. The business equivalent of this why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore posting nothing except content about more info business at all times. At why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore point, why would I ever want to follow your Twitter? I could just follow your RSS instead, and save myself the trouble of having to sign in to Twitter at all. There are several values to hashtags. Maybe not a ton of them, but some of them, will perform some kind of engagement or even follow you.

Of course, hashtags are a double-edged sword. Poor newsjacking or no-context marketing in a sensitive tag can both hurt you. Clear Chrome cache: Click on the 3-dot menu button on the top-right corner.


Select Settings. Go into Privacy and security. Hit Clear browsing data. You can delete only the cache, but we would advise you to also clear the cookies and history. But before engagement can occur on your page, you must why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore your business in a position to be seen by fans. Facebook makes it very simple -- in fact, it takes just a few clicks. Check your Facebook Insights to see when your fans are most active online.

Why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore Video

👎 Why You’re Not Getting Likes on Facebook ~ The truth about SHADOW BANNING - Special Sunday

Can: Why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore

HOW TO FIND PINNED POST IN FACEBOOK GROUP Jul 13,  Â· Here are four general levels click at this page consciousness that help explain the reasons why people do—and do not—"like" Facebook posts.

1. Personal-Physical Consciousness. On this level, which is the most. Jun 20,  Â· Hi Angela, thank you for the enlightenment. You are truly my “Angel.” 😊I was wondering recently what’s going on with my Facebook posts and not getting any more likes, so I ended up here. I reviewed my privacy settings and all were fine. I did not realize I was just liking and scrolling photos. Just like with others, I too am nda.or.ugted Reading Time: 6 mins. Answer (1 of 14): it means you are not publishing effective content or post which can be shared, liked or commented it’s not clicked by ,just viewed by in normal fb feeds while they are scrolling down. First of all, let me say it clearly, Likes are not just numbers. If your overall goal.

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Why cant i hear my voicemail on my iphone Sep 03,  Â· Sep 03,  Â· Facebook taking off Like counts is a good idea but entirely the wrong place to start.

The world wants to see more from the big blue misery factory to fix things like external interference. Mar 25,  Â· Mar 25,  Â· Hiding Likes on Facebook. and some of the features don’t work anymore, the chronological Newsfeed option is still up and running. Not only could I not find which version of Facebook I am. Answer (1 of 14): it means you are not publishing effective content or post which can be shared, liked or commented it’s not clicked by ,just viewed by in normal fb feeds while they are scrolling down. First of all, let me say it clearly, Likes are not just numbers. If your overall goal.

Why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore Insightful comments.

Share your post in every Facebook group you can think of, hoping it will lead people back to your page and praying they will like it, and you.

Why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore - opinion you

You have been posting on Facebook every day but no one is liking your post even though you are why am i not getting likes on facebook anymore their post.


What is going on? Facebook is in control Facebook is watching you. They know your routine better than you do. You get penalized.

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