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What is the french for shut up

what is the french for shut up

Don't Interrupt Remember to ask your question then shut up. He told me to shut up and give him the keys. Speaker, this morning the Minister of Health told me to shut up. Madam Speaker, I will not shut up and sit down. People should not be shut up.

what is the french for shut up

On ne doit pas faire taire les gens. John, you probably want to shut up now. John, vous voulez probablement vous taire maintenant.

what is the french for shut up

I need everyone here to shut up. Excusez moi! J'ai besoin que tout le monde ici se taise. However, there are also some instances where in these phrases can be used in a friendly way provided that you do not say with a hostile feeling. This phrase is used to ask someone to Please Be quiet. You pronounce this phrased as tayzay-voo, seel voo pla. This way of saying be quiet in French is usually used when you want to address someone formally such as when you are talking with someone older than you. You can also use this phrase when you are speaking to bunch of people.

what is the french for shut up

Je vous demande de vous taire! This one is special, as it is a very famous sentence pronounced by a French political during Presidential elections back in It actually became a joke! You're coming with us? More French Slang Les jeunes fument de la beuh en cachette.

Young people smoke weed on the sly. The little girl is such a good dancer that I'm flabbergasted. I must buy some alcohol for the party. Claire rents a small flat near the university.

We will be if we don't turn the heater on. Models are often beautiful. Let's go and have a beer after work. I'm reading a book about Napoleon's life. Sophie is two years younger than her brother. You have to take your car to the mechanic. The teacher tries to calm the turbulent child. Attendees smoke a cigarette during the break. I buy myself new clothes for the summer. His excessive reaction is totally crazy. The dog barks when he sees the postman. I'll die if I keep running!

what is the french for shut up

Paul goes to the doctor because his throat aches. I never drink before driving. Tom is drunk every Saturday night. We like to eat at the restaurant on Sundays. Sandra has the same blue eyes as her mother. He has a funny face with his glasses on! She has see more uncontrollable fear of mice.

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