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What else can you do in spanish

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What else can you do in spanish - simply

Nation Mar 18, PM EDT As Asian American communities reel from an uptick in violence and hate spurred by racist rhetoric about the coronavirus pandemic, advocates are urging Americans to be allies in actionable ways that go beyond words. Even as overall hate crimes fell inhate crimes against Asian Americans in major U. On Tuesdaya white gunman fatally shot eight people, including six Asian women, in a series of killings at three massage parlors in the Atlanta area.

"I can move my schedule to fit yours." Or "I can work around your schedule."

The shootings are the latest in a series of violent incidents against Asian Americans across the country, including the January assault and killing of year-old Vicha Ratanapakdee in San Francisco. As lawmakers grapple with how to address the discrimination and violence, Asian American community leaders shared advice with the PBS NewsHour about ways Americans can help.

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What else can you do in spanish

what else can you do in spanish

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