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How to get notifications when friends post on facebook

how to get notifications when friends post on facebook

Viewing Notifications Notifications alerts of a new post will appear in your Facebook Notification area. A red square with the number of new notifications that you have not yet viewed appears at the top of your Facebook page in the web, mobile, or mobile app versions of Facebook.

Simply click on the Notification globe button to see a quick view of the each and then click on one to go to view that the full post. The Value of Notifications: For any Facebook user the value of Facebook Notifications is the ability to ensure that you as a fan see and are informed of each post by a Facebook Page.

how to get notifications when friends post on facebook

This keeps you "in the know" about items, sales, and happenings from that company. For businesses, the value of Notifications has many applications including: By encouraging fans to activate notifications from your page, you help ensure they get your content and posts! Notifications gives a brand the ability to follow competitors and see what they are sharing and doing. As well, from an industry perspective a business can get notifications from the pages of leaders and influencers in their industry as a way to stay in touch with trends and new information. Choose Notifications in the left menu and select either "None" to turn off all notifications, or "Highlights" to only get notifications about certain memories, like celebration videos.

How to get notifications when friends post on facebook can also get down to the nitty gritty and decide if there are certain people or certain days you would rather not remember via Facebook notification. To block Memories related to certain people or dates, in the left-hand bar under Notifications, select Hide People and then select individuals via search and drop-down option or Hide Dates and then set your preferred date parameters.

You make the rules! Whether or not you're tagged in a video—and whether or not you plan on tuning in—Facebook lets you know when friends go live. Good news: You can disable Facebook live notifications with a few clicks.

Under Settings go to Notifications, scroll down to Video and click to expand the drop-down and choose "off. To stop random videos from auto-playing in your Facebook News Feed, click the drop-down arrow button in the top right-hand corner, choose Settings and Privacy, then Setting again. Select Videos in the left sidebar you may have to article source down a bitthen click on the drop-down menu to the right of "Auto-Play Videos" and select "off.

According to Facebook help center: "Off-Facebook activity is a summary of activity that businesses and organizations share with us about your interactions, such as visiting their apps or websites. Click the drop-down arrow button in the top right-hand corner, choose Settings and Privacy, then Settings again. To clear you history, choose Clear History, Clear History. But if you're not interested in having FB keep tabs and records of your various locations within the app, you can turn off Location History at any time.

Now you can elect Storage and tap on Clear Cache in this section to remove the cached data from your device. Update the Facebook App One of the possible reasons for the Facebook notifications not working issue is that the version of the App is too outdated to work normally. As we all know, an outdated application version will bring some bugs but a new version can fix them easily. So to ensure the smooth running of Facebook, you should remember to upgrade it regularly. If there is any update available, you need to download and install it on your phone to try to settle the issue.

Reinstall the Application on Your Device It is also possible that you have installed the Facebook improperly so that it won't be able to run normally. So here you can attempt to reinstall the application on your phone.

how to get notifications when friends post on facebook

And certainly, before the reinstallation, you need to remove the current one from the device. The detailed steps could be: 1. Reinstall Facebook on iPhone Step 1. Go to the Home screen on your iPhone and find out the icon of Facebook. Then you can long press the icon until a "X" icon appears at the top right corner. Now you can tap on the "X" icon to remove the Facebook from your phone.

Step 4. After that, you can go to App Store to download the latest Facebook and then go with the instructions to properly install it.

how to get notifications when friends post on facebook

Reinstall Facebook App on Android device Step 1. Next, you can go to Google Play Store to download and install the most recent Facebook version on your phone. Update the OS Version The operating system of your mobile phone would cause this error sometimes- the OS version might be incompatible with Facebook so some features of the App won't work.

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