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How to cancel a return request on ebay

how to cancel a return request on ebay

If a seller chooses any of the four other remaining categories, it is indicated that a return is possible for almost any reason. Sellers who allow returns can choose between various automation options to streamline the refund process. To do this, they may declare that the item is damaged or entirely different to what was advertised in the listing.

Cancel Return Request?

How the seller responds depends how to cancel a return request on ebay the reason for your return. You received a damaged item, it doesn't match the listing description, or you received the wrong item Here's how the seller may respond: Accept your return request and offer a full refund — You'll return the item in the same condition in which it was received, and the seller issues you a full refund, including the original postage cost.

The seller will also pay for return postage. If the returned item is used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return shipping because it wasn't packaged correctly, the seller might deduct from the refund to cover the loss in the item's value. Learn more how to cancel a return request on ebay our Condition of returns policy. Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item — This can be a good compromise when you're not completely satisfied with your purchase — for example, if it arrived with a minor scratch — but you're happy to keep it. Send you a message — The seller may ask you for some more details about your return request, or offer the option of returning an item for a replacement or exchange instead of a refund.

When the seller replies, we'll send you an email with details of the next steps. You changed your mind about an item Here's how the seller may continue reading Accept your return request and offer a full refund — You'll return the item and the seller issues you a full refund — depending on their returns policy, this may or may not include the original postage cost.

Check the seller's return policy in the listing to see who is responsible for return postage costs. If the returned item is opened, used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return postage because it wasn't packaged correctly, some sellers might deduct from your refund to cover the loss in the item's value.

How do I decline a return request?

Offer you a partial refund and let you keep the item — This can be a good compromise when the seller doesn't accept returns, but wants to offer you a gesture of goodwill — for example, if you ordered the wrong thing by accident. Decline your return request — Sellers can only decline your return request if you changed your mind about an item and they stated in the listing that they don't accept returns. Or, if you missed the seller's deadline to start a return.

how to cancel a return request on ebay

Then, wait and see what the buyer wants. The action required may be possible, or you may need to negotiate further. Offer Partial Refunds It is preferable to let the buyer keep the item and offer a partial refund than to initiate a long drawn-out process of a return and relisting the item. Always try to avoid a return. One way to do this is to offer the buyer a partial refund.

how to cancel a return request on ebay

Try the following response: "Perhaps you would like to keep the item and receive a partial refund. If so, what amount would you consider fair? However, if an item arrives damaged, doesn't match the listing description, or if the buyer receives the wrong item, you'll generally need to accept the return. To improve your help experience, please sign in to your account.

Read our most popular questions and answers about handling return requests from your buyers. You can also find more information in our full article below. Buyers can always submit a return request, even if your returns policy says you don't accept returns. Whether you need to accept the return depends on their reason for opening the return. If the buyer is asking to return the item because it's damaged, faulty, or didn't match your listing description, then you need to accept the return.

If they've opened the return for another reason, for instance if they ordered the wrong item or changed their mind, then you aren't required to accept the return — however, where how to cancel a return request on ebay we always suggest providing a great customer experience.

How to cancel a return request as a seller

Once you receive the item in the mail, assess whether or not you need to return it. If it is clothing, try it on and decide if you want to keep it.

how to cancel a return request on ebay

If it is a home decor item you are attempting to match to other decor pieces in your home, go ahead and make that decision. The longer you wait to return an item, the more likely it is that you will forget altogether and the return time may expire. Evaluate just click for source act right away, don't wait. How to cancel a return request on ebay

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Wait to get the item back before you refund the buyer.

But the OP should check that to be sure. Message 9 of

How to cancel a return request on ebay Video

How to Cancel Give a Refund On Ebay Order Item Refund

How to cancel a return request on ebay - possible tell

Declining a return request puts you at risk of losing both your money and the items. Your best option is to have the buyer 'return for refund. Then you will be out, as I stated earlier, both your money and your items. Just tell them to return and you will refund them when the items are returned. Not with a properly filed Buyer's remorse return request with a seller that offers No Returns.

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