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How do you say hi in french and spanish

how do you say hi in french and spanish

Good night in Spanish! You start saying 'Good night' as way to say hello in Spanish around about 8 p.

how do you say hi in french and spanish

Or you can just say Also used is It sounds a bit like OLA, as the 'h' is silent. It is also more informal, and it can be used at any time of day, which makes it safe to use, but it is a casual greeting. Use wesh with caution When eavesdropping on casual exchanges, you might hear someone say wesh bien or some variation, coupled with the words from the popular French slang Verlan. The word wesh itself is borrowed from Arabic and mimics a casual greeting in that language. Unlike some other French greetings which can be puzzling, rebonjour literally means what it sounds like— hello again. Click bise is hello in French body language Last, but not least, is the French custom of saying hello without saying a word. You can say how do you say hi in french and spanish to your friends and family in informal situations.

You probably wouldn't say it to your boss. Or maybe that wouldn't be honest. Quoi de neuf? You can also say quoi de beau? Coucou is more commonly used by or to children; it would be considered a bit strange for an adult to say it, especially in a formal situation. Adults might use it, however, in text speak. I'm not talking about the spelling of bonjour or salut.

How do you say hi in french and spanish - due

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how do you say hi in french and spanish

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How do you say hi in french and spanish Video

10 Ways of Saying Hello in French

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Like in this scene of Beauty and the Beast.

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You can use it in a sentence. Another misconception!

how do you say hi in french and spanish

Or you can also just say… nothing! Bonjour, mon ami. The scary thing is, this is a common mistake you might be making without even realizing it. Want to save this for later? You can talk about it afterwards! Students love it! Advanced Can understand long, complex answers. Bonjour, mon ami. The Language Level symbol shows a user's proficiency in the languages they're interested go here.

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