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How do you say good in creole

how do you say good in creole

How do you say good morning in Cape Verdean? Good morning! Bon dia! Good Afternoon! What are Cape Verdeans mixed with? Since Cape Verdeans are primarily of mixed African and Portuguese ancestry, 2. The islands underwent numerous raids by French and Spanish pirates as well.

The stage is set right next to the entrance of her former house and the A-list of Cape Verdean artists is performing on that evening. All big names in the industry! They were singing on a couple of wooden planks and only a few meters separated them from the public! Morna is all about sodade, a mixture of nostalgia and melancholy. In this way, morna can be compared to the Portuguese fado.

how do you say good in creole

In Mindelo, you can listen to morna in almost every bar, but I recommend Casa da Morna and Livraria Nho Djunga to attend live concerts. Morabeza Home sweet home Morabeza refers to the Cape Verdean concept of hospitality and the kindness of its people. The term is synonymous with their relaxed and gentle way to welcome strangers on the Capeverdean archipelago.

how do you say good in creole

This place became one of my favorite spots on this planet! Right after the Azores! People welcome you with a bright smile, and they transfer you a bit of their relaxed composure.

I felt very fortunate to experience the ominous Capeverdean Morabeza first-hand! It made me feel at home and it was the reason why I prolonged my stay there twice!

how do you say good in creole

The board consists of a wooden trunk with 12 openings. Seeing how people play Oriol in the streets is one of the best things to do in Cape Verde. Like it?

Pin it! If you know about any other expression, please let me know in the comment form! Italians talk about health a lot, so you are likely to hear the word frequently. What is the Italian word for cheers? There's a third e more intellectual way to say Cheers in italian, less used then 'Alla Salute': the word is 'Prosit'.

It's a latin word and it's another way to wish good luck. How do you say good in creole

How do you say good in creole - there's nothing


Will: How do you say good in creole

How do you say good in creole
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