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How do i share my youtube channel link

how do i share my youtube channel link

Plus, playlist titles are a great place to add keywords. You can create effective playlists in two ways: On your channel page, group existing videos together under a common theme. Collect videos from other relevant influencers or partners. Go live YouTube is the most popular of all live stream platforms. Take advantage of this by creating content that really engages viewers. Browsing YouTube Live is another great way to get inspired. Add a call-to-action Include an awesome CTA in your video to make the most of your hard-earned audience.

Maybe you want to push your viewers to like or share your video. Maybe you want them to click through to your website. YouTube just released a new call-to-action extension for in-stream how do i share my youtube channel link. But there are also lots of free ways to add CTAs to videos: Direct Host-Mentions: Look check this out the camera and verbally tell viewers what you want them to do. Video Descriptions: Ask viewers to comment, share, or like your video in the description itself. These powerful visual cues add punch to your CTA. Cross-promote your channel Reach out to audiences outside of YouTube to build community around your channel.

Find ways to incorporate videos into your blog, email newsletter, and other social media accounts.

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But here are some simple ideas to get you started: Social media Different social strategies work well for different platforms. Brush up on the recommended video specs for each social platform, then optimize your video accordingly. And make sure you use different captions every time you post. We're not crying, you're crying! Embed videos in your posts, along with searchable transcriptions. This will increase both video and page views.

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You can also use your blog to generate new content ideas for how do i share my youtube channel link channel. Use Google Analytics to find which posts get the most traffic. Is there a way to create a video on that topic? Embed the end result into the post itself. This will add value to your blog while encouraging readers to check out your YouTube channel. Create an email list of YouTube subscribers. Then, give them a heads up every time you post new content. You can take advantage of your email signature too. A simple link to your YouTube channel below your name is a non-pushy way to gain subscribers.

We recommend using a simple icon rather than a long, nasty-looking URL. Promote your channel, not just your videos You know how domain authority affects page authority? The same is true for videos. Take advantage by promoting your channel as a whole, as well as your individual videos. Be sure to use your main landing page here to capitalize on this!

The rest of these links can be filled with social media, support, or whatever URLs you wish. We recommend using your own branded link for the first one on your banner, as they come with additional features such as detailed link analytics. These can range from affiliate marketing links to merchandise offers to simply other social media accounts. When copying and pasting links from various different sources, it can be easy to lose or forget that prefix.

Channel URL (ID-based)

Nice and simple! The second problem is also one that can be solved with branded links — and that is; messy, ugly, inconsistent links. Direct messages. Are you keeping track of the messages from your inbox? Instagram displays the clickable link, thumbnail image, title and description. If I tap on the link it goes to my video.

how do i share my youtube channel link

If I tap on the picture it also goes to my video. If you want to take away the privilege for others to add videos to the playlist, follow the steps above and select Deactivate Link under the share link box. Sharing a playlist link means you can choose which video to watch next. The next content in the playlist will start playing once the first video is finished. This is beneficial not only because it allows viewers to continue to view your content, but also because you can control what they see. You don't have to add less than perfect videos to your playlist. You can put the videos you want people to see in the playlist. Bottom Line How to share a YouTube playlist?

Apologise: How do i share my youtube channel link

How do i share my youtube channel link The whole point of having a YouTube channel is to share it with others.

Instead of sharing the individual posts on your channel you'll want to share a link to the channel's main page. To do how do i share my youtube channel link, open up your YouTube app and tap on your Account icon in the top right. Tap on My Channel. Tap on the three dot menu in the top right, then tap on Share. Now you have Estimated Reading Time: 40 secs.

how do i share my youtube channel link

Jul 28,  · Answer (1 of 3): Yes you can but for that you need to get the URL of your channel. Open YouTube, then go to My Channel in the leftmost vertical Menu bar. You channel.

Find your custom URL

Sign in to YouTube Studio. From the left Menu, select Customization Basic info. Under Channel URL, click Set a custom URL for your channel. You can choose the suggested custom URL based on your channel name or add extra letters or numbers to make your custom URL unique.

how do i share my youtube channel link

Click PUBLISH, then Click CONFIRM to confirm your custom URL.

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If you just want the link to post somewhere, tap "Copy link.

Tapping the "More" option will let you share via AirDrop, Facebook, and more.

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