How do i check my voicemail on polycom phone

Find the voice message you want to listen to and click on the Play button. How do I retrieve messages on Vodafone? Just call from your Vodafone phone to check your voicemail. If you have Visual Voicemail, choose the message you want to hear your voicemail tab, and then hit play. How do you retrieve voicemail on Avaya?

Some Avaya telephones have a dedicated voicemail key which can also be used to access your mailbox. Call Forwarding To access call forwarding rules, at the main menu, press 4.
Access Voice Mail From Your Home Phone
You can listen to, set, and delete forwarding rules. Set Specific Greeting To set a specific greeting, at the main menu, press 5. To do this, follow these steps: Navigate to the End User portal from your browser window. Proceed to enter your Username and Password into the corresponding fields.

Click Login. Click Edit. Click Add. Your contact will now be saved within your Personal Phone List. Click image for large view Click Save. You can also bulk add, by uploading a CSV spreadsheet.
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To do this: Select Choose File. Locate the file on your computer and click Open.

If successful, click on Upload, your contacts will now be uploaded to your Personal Phone list. You can add a contact to your speed dial through the End User Portal. Locate the Speed Dial List. Click image for large view You can add up to 8 Speed Dials to your list. Press 1 to listen to new messages.

Click the blue Login link to the right of the employee that has voicemail to retrieve. Under the Your Phone section on the left, click Voicemail.
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How do i check my voicemail on polycom phone Video
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