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Does covid have different strains

does covid have different strains does covid have different strains


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Does covid have different strains - are

The variant, which is responsible for India's recent surge in casesoverwhelming hospitals, has already become the dominant variant in the U.

It's believed to be "by far the most contagious variant of this virus that we have seen throughout the whole pandemic," Dr. Each variant has been named after a letter in the Greek alphabet to make it easier for the public to discuss them, per the World Health Organization. These include getting vaccinatedmasking, or even double maskingavoiding crowds and poorly ventilated indoor spaces, and washing your hands regularly. Here's what else you need to know about the COVID variants, from symptoms, to how lethal they are and whether vaccines will work against them.

What is a variant?

What is a variant? How does it happen?

How does it happen? Does covid have different strains But experts say the protection they get after having the virus is still less than when people get vaccinated.

does covid have different strains

During years when the flu vaccine match is good, it is possible to measure substantial benefits from flu vaccination in terms of preventing flu illness and complications.

Does covid have different strains Video

Coronavirus variants: What you need to know

does covid have different strains

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