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Can u block someone on fb but not messenger

can u block someone on fb but not messenger

I hope it helped someone. I know it is a pain when we remove someone from our groups and forget to block a user. This method has saved us the headache of offending members possibly sneaking back in the group.

Please feel free to comment with feedback and share to your circle of people :. Bonus Tip: There is also Chrome browser extension that will allow you to block members from old comments as well as some other cool admin features; check it out here. Step 2: Tap on the menu button located in the upper right part of your screen. Step 5: Find and tap on the person you want to unblock.

How to find out if a Facebook friend blocked you? Method 1: Scroll through your friend list.

can u block someone on fb but not messenger

You can tell if someone blocked you on Facebook by scrolling your friend list. Method 2: Search for their Facebook profile.

Method 3: Check your Facebook memories. Method 4: Check your Facebook groups. What happens when you block someone on Facebook? You can actually pretty much block someone without them ever realising. If you go to 'Timeline and Tagging' in Settings, there's a subhead for 'Who can see things on my timeline?

What is worse unfriending and blocking? Unfriend lets you remove someone from your friends list, without notifying the person that you have done so. Block lets you disconnect completely from the person you're blocking, meaning you two are invisible to each other on Facebook.

can u block someone on fb but not messenger

Is it better to block or unfriend someone on Facebook? On the other hand, block people when you need them in a position where they can never make future contact with you on Facebook except they do so with another account. Do people know when you look at their Facebook page? No, Facebook doesn't tell people that you've seen their profile. See also, how to make Facebook less annoying How to block someone on Facebook I'll start with the most extreme case: blocking someone.

can u block someone on fb but not messenger

This option completely blocks someone from being able to contact you and In the most extreme of cases, you might want to completely block someone from being able to contact you or even add you as a friend if you're friends with the person already, this option will unfriend them. Fortunately, Facebook makes this very easy through its Privacy Shortcuts menu. Step 1 - Use the privacy menu Go to your Facebook page and click the Privacy icon it looks like a Padlock and is at the top-right of the screen to bring up the Privacy shortcuts button.

Click the 'How do I stop someone from bothering me? Step 2 - Select the person from a list You'll see a list of users that match your search, so you can make sure that you select the right person. Anyone that you're already friends with or can u block someone on fb but not messenger friends with friends will most likely appear at the top of the page. If you are still unable to locate the user's page, he may no longer use Facebook or have restricted his privacy settings. When you select "Limit Old Posts," any content you have shared with "Friends of Friends" or "Public" will be changed to a "Friends" audience.

: Can u block someone on fb but not messenger

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Can u block someone on fb but not messenger - something is


Can u block someone on fb but not messenger.

Can u block someone on fb but not messenger Video

How To Block Someone On Facebook (2020) ✅ How To Block People On Facebook Without Them Knowing!

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