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How many coronavirus cases in kenya

how many coronavirus cases in kenya

The health ministry on Friday began mass testing in the specified areas. The government, however, said Monday that not enough people are coming out for the free testing and warned this poses a threat to efforts to stop the spread of the infection. That tells you then that there is community spread happening within Nairobi specifically in the area of Eastleigh.

how many coronavirus cases in kenya

This comes out as a result of mass testing in that area within the last 24 hours. Kawangware continues also to be an area of concern and there are 24 in that area and then in Mombasa.

So far, coronavirus has predominantly affected cities in Kenya, particularly Nairobi and Mombasa. These areas are filled with particularly young demographics. Keeping older how to send messages through google voice apart from their younger relatives and support networks during lockdown created its own problems, including food scarcitybut it could article source have protected them from infection. Kenyans could have also boosted their immune systems from exposure to other, less deadly, strains of coronaviruses, though again this theory is unproven. No explanation can be definitively ruled out. The other reason is that like many countries, Kenya has only been testing suspected COVID cases, mostly people with a recent travel history. While the Cabinet Secretary of Health Mutahi Kagwe said the government would begin randomized testing, the shift from individual to community spreading will strain resources and make it harder to get to patients in good time.

how many coronavirus cases in kenya

The patients pay out of pocket as insurance companies currently do not cover for any privately done tests. A government medic, who asked to remain anonymous, says there remains a lack of widespread testing despite receiving such a donation because the kits did not come with critical extractors and consumables. Such events will only make hospitals, public and private, more wary of treating any walk-ins, especially as the pandemic is now spreading across community clusters. How many coronavirus cases in kenya

How many coronavirus cases in kenya - maybe



How many coronavirus cases in kenya - think


how many coronavirus cases in kenya

How many coronavirus cases in kenya Video

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