What does mes meilleurs amis mean in french

We are all still the best of friends. The two of them were always the best of friends. Even the best of friends will fight sometimes.

Nous sommes alors devenus les meilleurs amis. From then on we became the best of friends. Sheep are a wind turbine's best friend. Les animaux sont les meilleurs amis de l'homme. A dog is "man's best friend ", but not when showing your home.
They were my two best friends in the whole world. Mais nous sommes ses meilleurs amis.

You guys were the best friends that I could ask for. Ils pourraient faire partie de nos meilleurs amis.
You know, they have potential to become top five friends here. Lex and I used to be best friends. Mes meilleurs amis doivent s'entendre. Now I need my two best friends to get along. I found your books - they're on the table. Le stylo et la plume? The pen and pencil? They fell on the floor.

Elles can be used only when every single person or thing you're referring to is female or feminine. Elles arrivent.
Where are Annette and Marie? They're on their way. I bought some apples - they're in the kitchen. Notes Even when talking about a room full of a hundred women and one man, you have to use ils. Ils and elles are pronounced exactly like il and elle, respectively, except in a liaison.
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